I Might Do A Lot Of Crazy Things, But I’m Not Crazy

I may do a lot of crazy things, but I’m not crazy

Doing crazy things is a sign of freedom that has nothing to do with madness. It allows you to choose a different path than what most of us consider normal. In these spontaneous, chaotic situations, we can fly higher than usual. Everyone, absolutely everyone, has done something crazy in their lives, as relaxation and a dose of adrenaline is a necessary and natural need.

For most of us, “being crazy” is associated with some mental imbalance and a distorted picture of reality, loss of self-control, hallucinations, or absurd and ridiculous behaviors.

Whereas the phrase “doing something crazy” has a different meaning in colloquial language. We all need a little madness in our lives, or else we will never dare to disconnect from the leadership and be free to do things that aren’t really logical. 

The boundary between genius and madness

Not all geniuses are crazy, and not all crazy are geniuses. A genius is a person with unusual abilities, expertise in certain areas or in certain topics, and the ability to find and express new ideas. In other words, they create.

They are not necessarily sick, and even when they are, they know how to take advantage of it to create great things. Studies have shown that mentally ill people have creative abilities before the disease is noticeable.

Some people classify others as crazy just because they have certain special abilities and genius-like tendencies. Sometimes, out of fear and / or ignorance, we despise things we don’t understand. But the line between genius and madness is wider than many people think.

Einstein did crazy things

Ingenuity seems to be genetic, although little research has been done on this topic. At the same time, the environment also plays a major role. If, for example, Mozart or Einstein had been isolated in the jungle, they would not have been the same geniuses they actually were, and we would not have the same image of them that we have of them today. Studies show that 75% of brain architecture depends on the environment. 

Creativity is also associated with emotional conflict. It seems that  dissatisfaction is what makes geniuses create,  and this also has a neurological basis. Genius is not a mental illness. But when the two exist at the same time, a person knows how to take advantage of his madness to create something beautiful.

Normal and crazy

Madness means a lack of reasoning and good judgment. The problem is that until the  end of the 19th century, madness was combined with the rejection of established social norms. For this reason, people still see as crazy those people who do not follow social norms.

Most societies are made up of patterns of behavior that involve different stages of human development. When we set aside cultural differences, most societies expect people to be born healthy, to grow up without any health complications, for people to go to college and specialize in some lucrative profession, get married, start a family, and move into a new home.

don Quixote did crazy things

These paradigms are mere norms. Most people might accept them as normal, and believe that any attitude or thought that goes beyond these limits is wrong, or even crazy. But  sometimes madness is the only healthy reaction in a sick society.

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