I Have A Mental Health Problem In My Family. What Follows?

There is a mental health problem in my family.  What follows?

Mankind has sadly been horrified by mental health problems throughout its history. In many cases, this is because we do not understand them in depth enough, but we notice symptoms caused by a mental health problem that occur mainly on a superficial level.

Finding explanations (paranormal, scientific, or religious), learning about treatments, improving the quality of life of people affected by mental health problems…  This is the story of what survival has meant applied to our species since people began to deal with mental health problems.

In the field of mental health, due to social stigma, there is a certain kind of special tact towards serious and chronic diseases. Unfortunately, a mental health problem often causes undue unrest. Due to the aftermath of the closure of outdated care facilities, these diseases have become more widely known and familiar. Currently, slow movement tends toward rehabilitation (when healing is not possible).

The greatest difficulties fall on families with children, parents, aunts, uncles, or siblings whose problems reach the comprehension or comprehension of other family members.

The first blow

The patient’s family is first on the hit list when the illness begins to cause suffering and anxiety. Thus, they are the first to notice when “something is wrong”.  A mental health problem shows its existence and the behavior, feelings and thoughts of a family member change.

Usually the beginning is very multi-threaded and awkward. The family then goes through dismay, an inability to understand, changes in diagnosis, and autopsy.

In fact, this may involve even a certain degree of denial of the situation. The family has to witness their own son, brother, or father suffering and behaving in ways they would not have been expected of in the eternal world before. Above all, the family has to witness how their lives begin to break down little by little. A sick person is still the same, but still at the same time he is not.

sad woman

According to the World Health Organization,  mental health means  “the way in which an individual interacts with other members of his or her family, with people at work and in leisure time, and with his or her community in general.”

When the person we love suffers from an imbalance, we suffer, question, and blame ourselves. In addition, we often do our best to find solutions and alternatives.

Negative emotions are part of the process

There is never a time when it would be weird to feel anger, anger, or frustration.  The family is the backbone of a person suffering from this type of problem.  The support, understanding, serenity, and balance provided by the family are essential.

There is a whole family history behind every single person. This history was determined by the recognized stages of adaptation from which all subsequent thoughts and feelings are extracted.

By this we mean in particular the emotional alarm phase, which is typically a phase of resistance and exhaustion. Depending on where we are and how we live, we will then receive some guidance or other help to internalize what is currently happening.

Thus, the mental health maintenance toolkit also includes learning and applying and using best practices as families progress.  In any case, these tools and support will help as long as they can be grasped, which is unfortunately very limited in some cases.

Facing a mental health problem is the most flexible solution

pieces of the puzzle

After all the previous rotation, when the family and the beloved sick member and their relationship are torn from their roots, a definitive and definite diagnosis of the mental health problem is obtained.  Then it is time to face the problem and the changes that come with peace of mind.

  • Trust the support of professionals:  You will meet many health professionals during the diagnosis process of your family member. Communicating and getting answers to your questions is essential.
  • Follow the instructions:  If your family member’s condition improves, encourage him or her to continue the process. Don’t let him forget the idea of ​​keeping an eye on your own illness. You can always find a professional to help you dispel your worries and doubts. You can then turn to this person when you need help or have a question. The road is long, but it must not falter.
  • Change your own dialogue:  If you internalize the idea that the person you love is not a  “sick person” but that  “he  or she has an illness” or a mental health problem, you can get relief from your feeling. In this way, you may be able to distinguish the symptoms from the person, and in addition, you will be able to focus better on the very person you know and love.

Calmness, the base of healing

The family is inevitably and undoubtedly a fundamental part of achieving stability and recovery. Thus,  maintaining a calm atmosphere at home and in the environment of the sufferer directly contributes to the success of their treatment and therapy.

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