I Don’t Need A Partner To Radiate My Own Light

I don’t need a partner to radiate my own light

While many people think otherwise, you don’t need a partner to radiate your own light. You already came into the world with your inner star that will guide you through the dark nights. And when the right opportunity comes, your star may want to dance with another star that shines just as brightly.

Plato wisely stated that “the touch of love becomes poetry.” We find strength just when we thought it was gone. We find a world that shines even brighter. This spiritual ecstasy deserves to be experienced. However, passion is not the only feeling people can experience. Brilliance is also possible alone in that peace and personal satisfaction where nothing is extra and nothing is missing.

A partner can bring vitality, happiness, affection and intimacy. However, it is important to understand that a partner cannot be used as a magical solution to correct your dissatisfaction in life. If you do not radiate alone, you cannot also grab the light of the other and assume that their energy is enough to support both. It may last for a moment, but will eventually dissipate.

Today, most of us are rooted in ideal perceptions of  love. We think that the disappearance of our frustration is necessary. However, frustration cannot disappear, be destroyed, or escape through our broken dreams. Rather, you have to defeat them yourself.

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Radiate your own light

Moths are sad but fascinating creatures. They are fascinated by light. For example, the moon controls the moths’ nocturnal migration and mating rituals. But because of all the artificial light radiation, their number decreases. It is also common to see moths die as they fly around the light bulbs that surround our house.

The same thing happens in romantic relationships. Some people have their own light; they are almost like lamps in the midst of all darkness. They shine because they enjoy their personal fulfillment, good self-esteem, and magical ability to hypnotize many people. It is common for others to feel drawn to them and start a relationship with them, hoping that their peace and light will alleviate fear, dissatisfaction, and silent gloom.

However, it is clear that there is room for a wide range of relationships. There are those where the couple fulfills each other’s desires, those where intimacy is enjoyable, and those where a real bond is sought on which to build a common future. There is no perfect model for a relationship; some relationships enrich us where others take us away.  Some people just want to take our light off and benefit from it to alleviate their own grief or insecurity while causing our forces to disappear one at a time.

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Your inner light will begin to radiate when you are ready for it

As stated, a partner can make you happy, but he or she cannot bring your true happiness. It’s up to you. In fact, it is very common to see couples who have been married or been together for a long time but still feel unhappy.

We should begin to accept that there is no happiness in the sense of absolute ecstasy. And if there is one, it is very short-lived and wonderful as a summer dream. However, there is no reason to feel unworthy or sad. As we said at the beginning, we are all born stars within us. It’s there, even if you can’t see it. You just need to know how to turn on the light that will eventually illuminate and guide you.

However, the light can only come on if it has enough energy. We feed our light on our inner strengths, which we sometimes neglect to take care of. These strengths include self-esteem, independent security, mental independence, good self-knowledge, etc. Independent brilliance also requires good humor, gratitude, and creativity. You should not let the shadows of your fears haunt like black clouds that dare to block the radiation of our sun in the spring.

the man runs with the wolf

You don’t need other people to give you light. Don’t hang on to it, don’t push them out, and don’t take their light to get love. We are all capable of radiating on our own with our own stars. This is the only way we can create more beautiful heavens, places where true love comes from you. This way, you can shine in the greatest and most authentic way possible when you surround yourself with your loved ones.

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