I Don’t Have To Impress Anyone

I don’t have to impress anyone

We don’t just exist to gain the approval of others or to impress others. We exist to be happy and to meet our own goals.

There are those moments and situations when we want all the attention to be paid to ourselves and we want to be the center of the celebration. At some point, however, this becomes less important, and we prefer to spend our lives without the eyes of others.

Someone somewhere sometimes said that it’s nice to have money to buy the things we want, but it’s more comfortable to own things that money can’t.

What life teaches…

There are many disappointments and adversities in life. We may put our faith and trust in things that will ultimately become nothing. Gradually we learn to realize that other people cannot be expected to behave in a certain way and at the same time it is good to understand that we should not worry about what others expect of us.

Now is the moment when you can take responsibility for your own life and passions, take the bull by the horns, be motivated and share your thoughts freely with others. This is the beginning of freedom and finding your own identity.

Why don’t we have to make an impact on anyone but ourselves?

The most unhappy people in this world are the ones who care too much about what others think of them. They cry when someone does not accept the path they have chosen and to avoid judging and resenting people, they try to shape their lives just the one that fits the accepted mold. However, keep this in mind: you don’t have to please anyone but yourself! If you try to please everyone, be comfortable with everyone, and adapt to every situation while imitating others, you are hiding your own true character and minutes. When we hide ourselves, our minutes gradually die.

Each person is unique and completely unique. When you are yourself, you attract people close to you who appreciate you for all your mistakes. Opportunities will open up for you that are just right for you. No one should have to hide or suppress themselves for others. Express your feelings and thoughts freely. Of course, not everything can be said out loud, and you shouldn’t rumble about injustices hurting others.

Almost everyone experiences a lightning-fast moment in their life when they realize there is no point in caring and caring about what others think. You only have this one life to live and only you can decide how to spend it in a way that suits you. When you serve your own personality, you become a more real, complete, and authentic person — and that’s what attracts others to you.

After all, you can only become an amazing and unforgettable person when you stop trying to be an amazing person. Be natural to yourself and walk your own path, this is a sure key to happiness and contentment.

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