How To Train The Brain For Creativity

How to train the brain for creativity

Are you the kind of person who believes that creativity is overrated? Or do you believe that humanity needs great ideas? Are you one who lets others come up with special things, or do you think you can give something new, and change your own life as well as the lives of others?

All people can train their brains for creativity. But to do this, we need to believe that creativity is really rewarding.

Daily creativity

It is an inevitable truth that creative minds are always held in high esteem. On the other hand, creativity can also help us in our daily lives, for  both small and large problems. It can help us come up with ingenious solutions to problems that could not be solved by “ordinary” methods.

We’re not talking about how to get a brain like Albert Einstein, but  how to expand our capacity for creativity for better and better. Creativity is not something that can only be found in artists, writers or great entrepreneurs. It gives us the potential to innovate in every aspect of our lives.

light bulb and colors

9 ideas for developing creativity

Many people believe that they cannot become creative, but here they are wrong. We can all develop our creativity,  and by training our brains properly, we can become more creative every day.

Developing ideas is one way to get more and better ideas. There are different ways to help ideas flow more easily. This is part of the process. Here are some thoughts and advice to help our brains be more creative.

Forget the results

The process is an important part, not the results.  Enjoying the idea-forming process gives the mind the freedom to think about alternatives and develop the idea more broadly. The result comes from such a creative process; it is a process that provides us with results when we pay full attention to it.

Ignoring criticism

A creative person must be immune to criticism if it is not constructive, whether it came from others or from themselves. Criticism does not allow us to think clearly. We must not waste our energy on it. We need to be passionate with ourselves, and bold to be free to create. We’ll get tangled up a lot, but we’ll only get something great out of it if we allow ourselves to flow.


Stress is one of the biggest enemies of creativity. However, some level of stress may help us achieve what we need to do. But when it comes to creation, we need to be calm. What do you think is the reason why there are so many people who get great ideas in the shower, walking, or doing everyday tasks like doing the dishes at the counters? The reason is that the mind is then relaxed.

Saving thoughts

It’s a whole different thing to get an idea than to give it shape. It can take time to edit an idea, and sometimes this idea appears at the most inconvenient time. If we write it down, we can get two things: first, we don’t forget it, and second, it doesn’t take over our minds when we are immersed in other things. Writing down an idea removes the pressure, and we can return to it when there is a need or time for it.


One of the most brain stimulating activities is reading. Reading reinforces our experiences. In addition, reading creates new neuronal connections in our brain – a process known as neuroplasticity.

Practicing meditation

Meditation, in addition to helping to relax physically and mentally, promotes the creative process. In addition, a type of meditation known as consciousness skills trains us to focus on one thought, and to avoid slipping into sidewalks. This is a really useful skill during the creative process.

meditation can train the brain for creativity

Healthy lifestyle

Alcohol, smoking, drugs, a sedentary life, and poor diet are the biggest enemies of the brain, and especially the enemies of creativity. Removing toxins from our bodies and exercising will increase our energy levels and improve our creativity. 

Leaving the comfort zone

The problem for many people is that  they are trying to create new ideas without leaving their comfort zone,  which limits their options. But great ideas do not understand the limits of “political correctness,” “tradition,” or “comfort”. It often takes courage to look beyond these boundaries.

Thinking differently about a problem

All the questions that come to our mind can happen in more than one way. In fact,  sometimes the solution to a problem is not found in a creative alternative,  but presents the problem in a creative and different way.

Many different ideas do not always mean many “good” ideas

Being more creative and experiencing more than one thought does not mean that all thoughts are equally good, useful, or valuable. A writer has to write a lot to achieve something really good. This is also the case for a painter, sculptor or composer. Actually for everyone.

thoughts on paper

In reality, the  most intelligent or creative individuals are not the ones whose creativity is most valuable. Instead, it is the person who works their thoughts the most. That’s how easy it is. Maybe some need more effort than others, but in the end only he who is willing to fail several times will bring about something good.

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