How To Solve The Problem According To Einstein

How to solve the problem according to Einstein

We are accustomed to intrinsic activity that prevents us from touching real reality: constantly creating in our heads lists and lists of tasks and problems that require a solution so that we can maintain our well-being. The problem is that as we grow older, the  tasks and obstacles we sometimes subconsciously create can lead to significant blockages in our minds.

This can push us to be something we are not or simply to live a life that is incompatible with our thoughts. A good idea to solve any adversity is related to our “inner being.”  We are now talking about pursuing attitudes such as will, loyalty, decision-making, and an understanding of how to analyze our own environment in a practical way.

In addition, one thing we learn over time is that all situations, even those we see as negative, sooner or later provide us with a beautiful lesson for  our personal growth. To facilitate future obstacles and problem-solving, today we tell you what the best advice Albert Einstein  himself  used in his own work to get over and over his own obstacles.

Reformat the task

In many cases, we don’t stop to evaluate how we can make our way to our goal easier when we have a problem to solve. But  one tool we can use is to reformulate our mission out loud. 

The girl is nuts

In this way, we become bystanders of ourselves by listening to our voices and perceiving the situation from a different perspective. In addition, if there are others around us, they can help us with this step.

Keep in mind the great impact of words and how we can use them to our advantage.  So take some time and reformulate your task carefully and carefully.

An example of reformulating a problem is often related to how we place factors in it in relation to the definition of the problem itself. So, for example, it is not the same thing as “trying to be promoted,” as “trying to ascend to heaven”. In the first case, another person has power over the course of events and in the second, it is in your hands. In both cases, the same goal is being pursued: exaltation.

Nor is it the same thing to form a problem in general – “I try to rise to heights” – than to divide the problem into stages: I have to go to work earlier, I have to be more organized in my way of presenting reports, I have to take more part in meetings, etc.

From a question mark to an incandescent lamp

Understand the context of the problem

One of the first intra-head actions that spies automatically use while in a location involves identifying exits from that location. By this we do not mean that you should identify possible escape routes for your own problem, but that  when you solve a problem, it is best to familiarize yourself with the problem itself  and the context in which you need to solve it.

There are numerous important factors when we talk about substance. First are the most sensitive parts of the problem – the most sensitive goals and intentions. Knowing where they are will make you start protecting those areas in case you need to protect yourself. Second are your abilities and competencies that you need to develop yourself in this same context.

Mathematical problem

Think with and with the resources you have, whether they are people (support network), material or time. This is important because  often working in a bundle of context before facing a problem is worth it; either by getting help from someone you believe will help, by training yourself more in a particular field, or by gaining extra time.

Think of your problem as an enriching experience

The problem is usually the habit of taking us out of our comfort zone,  challenging us and putting our skills to the test. By encountering them, we get an idea of ​​what they are. We may have an entire chest of drawers full of titles, but what good is it if we do not know how to solve the problems that arise in a particular profession?

This way,  if you realize that the problem has something to offer you, you will have the motivation to face it,  get up when you stumble on some steps and at the same time develop a story that you can connect with your life and become something much richer than mere annoyance or irritation.

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