How To Motivate Yourself: 9 Tips

How to motivate yourself: 9 tips

It is absolutely thorough to know how to motivate yourself if you want to achieve your goals. Only when you have real motivation can your efforts lead you where you want to go. Thanks to the burning flame of passion, we can make our dreams come true.

Discipline and perseverance are really important. However, these things only get you to a certain point. It’s true that sometimes these are enough, but it’s the  motivation that gives it a magical touch. It’s that extra kick that helps you move forward, and it also makes your dreams come true.

We admit that nothing really worth pursuing is easy. That’s why the ability to motivate yourself is so important. Perseverance, the essential trait that helps you endure when things get tough, has to do with motivation. Fortunately, you can learn the ability to motivate yourself. Next, we are going to address the nine core teachings of motivation.

1. Purpose visualization

The first way to motivate yourself is that you have a purpose, for some reason. Goals are mediating steps. In other words, the point is to identify the underlying reasons that make us move towards our goal.

looking at the landscape through the lens

It is said that your goal is to experience a new country. But your motivating  purpose  is to find your true abilities when you are alone in a new place. This purpose can also be something more. Perhaps your ultimate motivating purpose is the desire to overcome fear. Or perhaps broaden your cognitive horizon and dispel prejudices.

When the purpose behind the behavior is profound, motivation is more stable. It’s impossible to learn to motivate yourself if you don’t learn to identify the deeper reasons that get you moving.

2. Think hopefully about the future

The future must be looked at from an inspiring and passionate place. The future should be like a magnet that attracts us  and gives us a strong vision of everything we want to achieve. This is the best motivation when it comes to making dreams come true.

It is important to think about the future. What will you be like in a month? What about a year? What about five years from now? It is really important to feed these views with positive expectations. Allow yourself to dream. Set aside your fears and failures. See yourself as a dedicated person who works towards your goals and who nonetheless also achieves them.

3. Feeding passion

Passion is an unusual feeling. It brings us to life and it makes us strong. It’s a pretty unique, special feeling. But experiencing passion is impossible if fear or anger keeps us in check. These feelings eat us so much that there is no room for passion to burn. On the contrary, they eat our energy and make us inactive.

To arouse your passion, you need to figure out the bonds that prevent you from moving. Passion can only find a home in free souls, and we can all liberate ourselves. 

woman and bike

4. Increase the scope of your goals

Dream big, and aim high. Only if your goal is big enough can you feel a desire high enough to achieve it. We only set small goals when we are afraid.

Here is an interesting exercise to help you motivate yourself:

  • First, write down on paper your goal you want to achieve.
  • Then multiply it by the whole three.
  • Lastly, evaluate what it looks like once you have expanded your goal. Probably your mind will react, and say, “why not?”

5. Building your own road

You need to understand that each person’s path in life is unique. Comparing our path to the paths of others makes no sense, for it is a personal experience known only to the person who travels it. From the beginning, you have to understand that the only person you have to win is you. You can only compare yourself to yourself.

path in the woods

When you recognize the underlying purpose, set goals for yourself, and offer yourself the desire to achieve your goals, you must always think in individual terms. Maybe there are elements around you that you can learn from. But the road you build must be tailored just for the one who walks that road – for you.

6. Take one step at a time

Learning to motivate yourself means understanding that two perspectives must face each other: the present perspective and the future perspective. Therefore, it is important to take one step at a time. When we face obstacles, we are discouraged and easily lose self-confidence. If we continue one step ahead in rhythm, the road will be more positive and encouraging. It is thus also more effective.

7. Learn to control your emotions

If a person is depressed or anxious, he or she engages in activities that carry these feelings. And of course the results will also be more consistent. Therefore, it is important to identify what emotions you feel and how to deal with them,  or how to direct them when necessary.

happy woman

There are three basic ways in which our feelings manifest themselves:

  • Body.  When you feel difficult emotions, your body reacts internally and externally. Therefore, you should focus on both sides. Inhalation can be used to regulate physiological processes. With your body posture and attitude, your body can focus better.
  • Language. When you suffer from depression or anxiety, you can probably notice it in the way you speak. For example, you might say things like “I can’t,” “it’s too hard,” or “I’m tired of everything”. If you can identify with this, change these sentences. For example, “part of me thinks I can’t, but I really can’t if I think so.”
  • Concentration. When you’re in a bad position, you start to focus only on the negative aspects of your life. That’s when willpower becomes important and it helps you see things more positively. You will also start to see options.

Also, on your way to your goals, you need to take breaks. The purpose of breaks is to give room for maneuver – space and time to control emotions. It is important to learn how to identify the feelings that are holding you back, and redirect them.

8. Taking over the cycle of success

It has been found that the cycle of success always works the same way. It all starts with beliefs. If a person believes in himself and the purpose that inspires him, everything starts to move forward. Beliefs and beliefs become deeds marked with strength and power. This is followed by good results. These in turn increase self-confidence and the cycle can start again, this time stronger.

It is also possible that the opposite is happening. If we believe we are unable to do something, we may drift into wrongdoing or inaction. This in turn leads to limited or unpleasant results. In the end, all of this adds to the belief that we are incapable. So you have to choose which cycle you want.

9. Use continuity to your advantage

Then once you start the cycle of success, you reach a point where everything seems to flow by itself. This is continuity. It’s really rewarding, but it also has its own risks. Care must be taken not to let everything “take care of itself.” Instead, do just the opposite. Take advantage of continuity to give yourself more momentum to meet your goals.

woman dancing in water

Negative continuity must be treated precisely and decisively. Prolonged conflict only leads to new conflicts. We do not want such destructive continuity.

The ability to motivate yourself is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. You need to increase your motivation every day. For it is difficult to gain motivation and it is easy to lose it, especially when we are guided so that we cannot believe, we must not dream…

However, we know one thing is worthwhile. A motivated person is able to do whatever he wants. However, internal barriers are always the most difficult to overcome. And when you break down even these obstacles, your life will change. You feel alive, and you can be the master of your own destiny. You feel free.

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