How To Defeat Resistance On The Way To Progress

How to defeat resistance on the way to progress

Resistance is a kind of mental wall or obstacle, conscious or unconscious, that slows down our progress. Resistance can involve thoughts, and even emotions or feelings. Many people experience resistance due to fear, anxiety, or the pain that change may cause. We need to learn how to defeat this resistance if we want to progress and change.

What factors are involved in creating resistance?

Fear of the unknown

Leaving our “comfort zone” and moving into a vast desert we have never seen before may cause us fear, or even escape horror and panic.

A woman climbs a tree despite resistance

Lack of knowledge

This is when we don’t know what we’re going to face. One of people’s biggest fears:  uncertainty. 

When uncertainty is present, we feel insecure, as if we have no grip on things and need to proceed blindly. But despite this, we need to move forward and overcome the uncertainty that will inevitably remain a part of our lives.

Fear of failure

This is one of the biggest fears we have. What happens if something goes wrong? What if I fail? And what about the pain I will feel when I fail? What do others say if I say something wrong? Are they going to laugh at me? This is one of the most crippling fears people experience. But it is a fear that exists only between our ears.

Fear of betraying other expectations

Most of us have a strong tendency to try to please others and always stay in the words of others. This leads us to begin to fear the betrayal of other expectations. We are afraid that they will stop loving us if something goes wrong or if we betray someone’s trust, or that they will reject us if we tell us what we really think or are genuine ourselves. This is a fear we should learn to be aware of in order to be able to defeat it.

Fear of what others say

What others say always seems to be in everyone’s backbone in accurate memory. Often when we do something different than everyone else, they point the finger at us and blame us. But at the same time, it is a hypocritical society  that encourages us to be different and to say directly what is going on in our minds at any given time. This contradiction creates confusion, fear, and uncertainty within us. 

Fear that we will not be able to learn or do something

The way this fear is made is all the negative thoughts we feed ourselves, such as “because I can’t,” “because I’m stupid,” “because nothing ever goes well for me.”

A man walks on a rope without a rope


Everything that requires effort tires us. To avoid change, we let things be as they have been until now, because change requires effort and just thinking about it makes us tired. Because anyway, “ what’s the point of changing anything if things aren’t in any way badly bad?”

“Better familiar evil than unknown good”

This classic idea refers to the “comfort zone”. Why would we leave our “comfort zone” if we once liked it? While change can be positive and improve the quality of our lives, we do not want to take the risk of being a negative change.

Clearly, fear is the biggest factor that activates our resistance to something  and much of this resistance is a mental barrier that we build ourselves. In addition, the unknown and “laziness” in some cases help us resist taking steps toward change.

Structural resistance

This type of resistance is referred to as external changes or changes in the environment For example, changing university courses or a major, a change in a relationship, a new home, etc.

This resistance scares us, makes us feel insecure, makes us experience the failures and negative feelings  that we perceive as the responsibilities society imposes on us.

Personal resistance

Personal resistance refers to the three basic pillars of change:  want, be able, and know. We can say “no” to change, and we are also fully entitled to it. But we need to be aware of that and, in particular, be sure that this decision is ours.

What we can’t do is want something, be able to achieve it, know how to do it, and then find it impossible to achieve it. If there is an obstacle in the way, we have to fight it when it tries to stop us.

We humans often tend to set ourselves different inner walls of the mind,  often allowing them to prevent us from achieving what we so desperately want and what we know can make us happy. There is a fairly simple solution to breaking these walls.

In addition to putting all our willpower into the game so that we can overcome this resistance, we  should keep the following steps in mind: 

  • We should define our goals and objectives and the desired outcome. 
  • We outline a picture of all the possible options  so that we can choose only one.
  • We create a list of things to do.
  • We name the tasks we will do.
  • We also need to keep in mind how we assess our progress.
  • Stay strong ; this is very important. If we want something, it is not easy to defeat us.
  • Stay up to date on what could happen. We should form an idea of  what we will do if something goes wrong. 

And now… Are you ready for change?

Keep in mind that if restlessness and discomfort do not make their presence known then there is no problem, and when there is no problem, there are no deeds for change either. If you have a lot of people around you who are willing to help and support you, then you are not alone.

If you are unaware of something, then educate yourself, learn, read, and ask questions before you jump into the unknown. This makes it much easier. And lastly, if you love yourself, believe in your own accomplishments, and motivate yourself on your own, then you can easily defeat any resistance! 

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