How To Connect With An Introvert

How to get in touch with an introvert

We need to find the right moment to get in touch with the introvert. This includes realizing that they can be excellent interlocutors. We can also learn that introverts are good friends. Under their absent appearance, they know how to listen, they avoid gossip, and they form strong and loyal connections with their friends.

If we observe closedness in the literature, we can notice one thing. It was not until 2010 that this personality type received a negative stamp. Before that, many books and authors demonstrated the importance and power of introvert. They have many positive virtues and qualities.

In 1935, psychologists Davis and Rulon published a study in which people ponder introvert interests. They did not define it as a social withdrawal, as many would have thought. They had enough skills to be involved in any structure of society. Scientists noticed them because of their dedication to their ideas, as well as their conversational skills.

Initially, many scientists criticized this last fact. During these times, confinement was associated with pathological shyness in which a person lacked the necessary social skills. However, this idea was overturned in recent years. We must not forget that closure is not just one trait. Each of us places ourselves somewhere in the middle ground between introvert and extrovert.

woman at the wall

How to get in touch with an introvert?

We already know that introversion is not the same thing as shyness. We also know that introverts have no shortcomings in social skills. They do not have any pathological factors that would make it difficult to contact them. In reality, what defines them are the different behavioral dynamics that go along with their mental focus, emotions, and even their brains, which process information differently.

  • These people like quiet places. They may avoid socializing or accumulating with a large crowd. Thus, such overly stimulating scenarios consume them psychologically.
  • They are introspective, observant, and imaginative.
  • They have only a few friends and they like more small groups of friends with whom they have strong and meaningful ties.
  • Introvertes like deep conversations more, they don’t like gossip, and they don’t want to be the center of attention.
  • They are considerate.
  • They work with innate motivation. They also stick to their values ​​and have no need to get along with everyone.
  • They have artistic interests such as music, writing and drawing.

When we know the interests, behaviors, and dynamics that make up an introvert person, we can look at the key issues that can help us connect with such a person.

1. Slow progress and respect for time and channels of communication

When we talk to an introverted person, we need to remember that we are talking to a more serene person. Therefore, our first conversation with him should not be too domineering or impressive. We must not be too bold or demanding.

The ideal way to approach an introverted person is to accept his rhythm. The best way to do this is to start a conversation that interests both sides. It is also important to understand that there are certain channels of communication that introverts tend to avoid. They don’t like light conversations and phone calls. They like more meaningful conversations.

2. An onion with interesting layers

Introverts have many different layers. They are like onions that hide valuable and bright interiors inside. When we know how to reach these layers in order to be able to contact them authentically, we need to respect time.

We need to be sincere, humble, and consistent all the time in order to establish a good friendship with this person.

boy in front of the door

3. Let’s not make them the center of attention

It’s not a good idea to plan a surprise party for them. We should not organize birthday parties where guests fill a room where they are the center of attention. Such could work with the personality of the extrovert, but not with this profile. We can create special moments where everything is simple and spontaneous, with just a few people. We should do this in places where there is no pressure. They must not be pressured into doing things they do not want to do.

4. Relevant discussions

Let’s avoid talking about ourselves for too long or chattering in vain. In such cases, they do listen to us, but are not interested in what we are saying. To connect with an introverted person, we need to choose a smarter, more in-depth subject. Ideal topics for discussion may include e.g. books, TV series, goals or various projects. We should talk about things related to our common values.

5. Enjoying silence

Sharing silence with another person can lead to magical moments. In these moments, people feel natural. Silence must not be forced, and attitudes and conversations can be natural. Our environment should be peaceful and have a calming effect. Silence should create a connection between two people. This partnership can last a lifetime.

6. Respect for personal space

You don’t have to see them every day and you don’t have to call them every two hours. There is no need to explain how we have spent our day or every thing we think of. Introverted people need loneliness to recharge their energy and nourish themselves. They need to balance this solitude and enjoy their own passions. While an introvert has to be alone, that doesn’t mean they don’t want to be with family and friends too.

Finally, connecting with an introverted person can be easier than we imagine. In addition, relationships with introvertes are rewarding. They are like treasures that can last a lifetime.

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