How Our Bodies Store Repressed Emotions

How our bodies store repressed emotions

Do we know what is really going on in our minds? Do you know ourselves? Can we control what happens inside us so that it doesn’t negatively affect the people around us? Do we really know what we feel and how we feel it in every moment? Understanding repressed emotions can be the most effective weapon to help us understand our behavior.

Since the late 20th century, neuroscience research has focused on the relationship between the brain and emotions. How we feel has gained the meaning it has always earned. Emotions are no longer simple automatic reactions. They have begun to gain scientific significance.

Understanding repressed emotions helps us understand our identity

You feel like you know what’s going on inside of you. Suppressed emotions are those we don’t want to listen to or try to ignore. At the same time, however, they are the ones who guide our behavior and thoughts.

Understanding our feelings allows us to know why we act one way or another. Everyone filters situations according to their feelings, which is why everyone works differently. Our experiences make us see the world in a special and unique way. Every situation evokes different feelings in us. Therefore, knowing ourselves leads us to understand how we function.

When we suppress emotions like anger, let fear take over, we don’t let ourselves be sad, or we feel like we can’t control the pain, we give way to the independent action of uncontrollable emotions. Then emotions, in turn, speak through our actions.

Stanford University did a study of emotions. It revealed that individuals who tend to suppress their emotions respond with much greater physiological activation in triggering situations than others, showing, for example, anxiety or anger.

For this reason, it is also normal for those individuals who do not express their feelings or who have difficulty doing so to have more somatic problems, such as muscle tension, headaches, skin reactions, or complex illnesses. Their emotions find ways to channel in less functional ways.

understanding repressed emotions is the key to knowing oneself

Body and mind memory

Sometimes we react to situations we face in ways that surprise even ourselves. This happens through the memories of our experiences, to which we connect either consciously or unconsciously. When we suppress our emotions, we do not deal with them. We let them sneak into your memory without realizing it.

Our job is to know what’s going on and what we feel at every moment. If we don’t know how to recognize emotions, we can’t control them. Therefore, the first step is to be aware of our feelings and give them a voice when they ask to speak. If we don’t do this, we end up suppressing our feelings and allowing them to act independently.

When we know what we are feeling, we can shape our emotions and try to digest them. When we listen to ourselves, we can understand and control our behavior to act in a coherent and understandable way. Only when we give voice to our repressed feelings can we begin to understand our true identity.

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