How Do You Know If You Are In The Right Kind Of Relationship?

How do you know if you are in the right kind of relationship?

Have you ever asked yourself if you are currently in the right kind of relationship? Have you ever wondered to yourself,  “Are other people in a situation like this and do they sometimes feel the same way I do? Is this a normal part of everyday life in an average relationship? ” 

Most of us know quite well that maintaining a relationship is not easy, but we are less likely to question whether we are in just the right kind of relationship at the moment. The question is difficult, but there are a few signs that can help us deduce whether or not we are currently in the right and right relationship for us. These signs can help us determine if we can continue to grow in a relationship with our current partner.

Every relationship is unique. The key to successful coexistence and growing up with the person you love is to learn and understand, respect and balance the differences between two separate people while maintaining equality in the relationship. All of this makes the relationship stronger and more lasting.

1. A relationship is based on a sense of security and safety rather than a sense of fear.

The Achilles heel of any relationship is fear . Fear is a sign of uncertainty in a relationship and may mean that we are in a relationship that will not last longer. If we are in a relationship that suits ourselves, we should not feel any fear that the other party is causing in us. Instead, the relationship should feel the exact opposite, such as security, joy, and permanence. 

When you’re in the wrong kind of relationship, the situation is actually quite the opposite: uncertainty and fear take over . If you find yourself in a relationship where you constantly doubt your partner about everything and question your own commitment to them or your own values ​​as a person, you are probably in a broken relationship or at least major and significant changes are required on both sides to make the relationship work.

The couple kisses on the lawn

2. There is genuine trust between you. 

This is key to a good relationship: trust. It is an indescribably wonderful feeling that arises when two people love each other and develop complete trust between them. This should be present before the start of the relationship, as in order to enjoy mutual trust to the fullest, it is important to develop a strong foundation of trust even before committing to a partner.

However, if you find yourself in a situation where you feel the need to constantly hide your phone and messages from your partner’s gaze or simply feel some kind of distrust or uncertainty about your partner, it is extremely unlikely that the relationship really has any chance of progressing further or deeper in a positive way.

3. You make concessions both ways.

We are not talking now about any extreme sacrifice, but about small, everyday sacrifices such as compromises on plans so that you see that the needs of both of you will be met.

Love means being able to share and give the best of oneself for the well-being of another person. If you think this trait doesn’t show up in your relationship, you’re probably not committed to the right kind of person.

4. You have your own, distinct identities.

In our other articles, we have discussed how easily mental addiction can develop in a romantic relationship. This is another sign that you are in a completely wrong relationship. Sharing life and opening your heart to another person doesn’t mean you should lose your uniqueness or lose your identity. A prerequisite for a healthy relationship is that you can be your own, unique self even when you are in a relationship.

In a strong relationship, both parties are able to hold on to their own individuality and respect each other without losing anything of their deepest essence. Every person should be able to keep their own hobbies and deal with as many as they want with their own friends and family without a sense of guilt. If you both respect your differences as human beings, it is very likely that you have managed to find just the right kind of partner alongside you.

5. Even facing difficult situations turns into a positive thing.

In a good relationship, disputes, however fervent they may be, contain one essential feature: mutual trust. If you are able to maintain mutual respect even in the event of a dispute, the end result will always be positive and you will be able to find a solution that satisfies both of you enough.

If, on the other hand, your relationship is full of dramatic, negative, and toxic quarrels and fights, then you should really consider whether all of this is worth the effort at all. If strong, intense emotions constantly dominate the mind and affect the consideration of the other, you may well be in the wrong relationship.

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