How Do I Make Others Respect Myself?

How do I get others to respect myself?

You can’t get others to respect yourself if you don’t first have a clear idea of ​​what respect even is. It is much easier to understand the meaning of this value if we recall certain situations in which it occurred. In this sense, we respect someone when we recognize his or her equality and accept him or her as he or she is.

This means that any behavior that seeks to underestimate the other is an act of disrespect, just as are acts that reject, deny, or nullify another person’s thoughts or feelings. It is possible that you do not agree with this. But trying to underestimate or change it is a big limit to cross.

You can’t get the respect of others if you don’t respect yourself first. This means that you have to see yourself as equal to others. In other words, you should experience that you are no more or less than anyone else. Also, accept yourself. Experience that you are valuable just the way you are.

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What you need to do for others to respect you

Acceptance and self-esteem are expressed through attitudes and actions. They are not an abstract reality, and you don’t have to say it out loud for other people to know what you’re feeling. A self-respecting person has three main characteristics: self-esteem, self-confidence, and authenticity.

  • Self-esteem is simply defined as the fact that a person has a good understanding of himself. It has very little to do with narcissism. It’s simply just “self-esteem”. Knowing sympathy for what you think, say, or do, without, of course, thinking it makes you better than others. You should feel just as special as only you are and equal to other people.
  • Self-confidence, on the other hand, is related to the ability to defend one’s rights and express one’s opinions. It’s especially important when you’re at a disadvantage where you think differently than most of the people around you. In a different way than even an authority person present. On the other hand, this trait is a direct result of self-esteem and a condition for you to get the respect of others.
  • Authenticity refers to our tendency to preserve our essence, values, and beliefs, even if it is not selfishly thought to be the best option for us in just that situation. This means expressing thoughts and feelings regardless of context, not pretending or distorting oneself to give a certain impression to others. It is spontaneity. Keep in mind that you can only be genuine if you are aware of the value you have as a person.
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Gaining respect from others

Respect begins with itself. So you can’t get others to respect you if you don’t do it yourself. Understand, on the other hand, that respect is not the same thing as fear or admiration, but it means acceptance and appreciation.

Here are some key factors to help others respect yourself.

  • Accept that not everyone will like you. The approval or disapproval of others does not have to condition you. There will always be people who don’t like you.
  • Learn to distinguish between kindness and humility. Courtesy does not mean submission. We did not come into the world to do for others.
  • Strengthen and practice self-love. Never stop acknowledging your values ​​and achievements. Never underestimate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
  • Get “no” into your vocabulary. Setting boundaries does not mean insulting others or thinking. It’s just a healthy way to maintain mutual respect.
  • Accept that you are not responsible for what others think or feel. If you used to think, talk, or act bothering or annoying someone, that’s not your problem. Let him solve his own discomfort.
  • Demand recognition if necessary. If you do too much for others, usually they will eventually stop appreciating it. If this happens, stop helping.
  • Learn to defend yourself. Maybe you are a victim of “ learned helplessness” . It’s time for you to beat it and learn to defend yourself. It’s not easy at first. But once you make it a habit, it’s not that hard to keep going.

Gaining the respect of other people is not a goal you can achieve in the short term, especially if you have already treated yourself disrespectfully countless times before. You have to make a firm decision to achieve it, and you have to have a strong will to keep that decision. However, it is worth it. Disrespect only brings with it greater evil and much unnecessary suffering.

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