How Did Iceland Prevent Teenagers From Drinking And Smoking?

How did Iceland prevent teenage alcohol use and smoking?

Iceland has achieved something that would be a dream for many countries in the world. Not only is there a high quality of life in almost every sense, but Icelanders have also solved difficult problems related to teenagers. For example, the country managed to prevent teenage alcohol use and smoking.

The most fascinating thing here is that even less than 20 years ago, Iceland was one of the European countries with the highest levels of drug use among teenagers. The change has therefore been progressive and continuous. And the best part about it is that it worked.

Thanks to this, it is entirely part of the Youth in Iceland program, which began in 1998. The aim was initially to reduce alcohol consumption and smoking among young people. There was a social concern for the young people as they felt lost at the time.

The first step in stopping teens from drinking and smoking

youth in Iceland -logo

Sígfusson showed that the Icelanders did not want to shed their prejudices. It is very easy to shed pre-formed perceptions about alcohol and drugs. Sometimes we assume that there is already enough information about the problem, but this is not the case. For this reason, Iceland prioritises research and the dissemination of its results.

One important factor was that it was not just a simple study. They set up a research system. Using this system, they mapped drug use every two years. Sometimes the causes and effects change, which is why constant monitoring is needed.

These studies made it possible to gather information on users ’gender, patterns of use, their home, the link between substance use and absenteeism, and the mental problems that afflict users. Based on this information, they formed an action plan.

How Adults Can Help Quit Teens Drinking and Smoking

Studies in Iceland helped to show that the role of adults is very important. Teenagers are the other side of the coin and the parents who raise them are the other side of it. They concluded that it would be necessary to empower those adults, to give them the tools to be able to function in different circumstances.

In this way, they created a program to educate parents and other family members. They instructed them about different drugs and their effects. But in particular, they reinforced the idea that the drug problem of teenagers in Iceland was also related to them. Others have one part of the responsibility, but another, large part of the responsibility falls on their parents.

Most importantly, they strengthened awareness of the psychological role of adults in the lives of teens. They showed that the decisive factor in the prevention of drug use was the proximity of adults. Their care, company and attentiveness. Spending time with children was essential. Not necessarily to advise them, but to be with them.

Leisure and satisfaction

Studies also showed that leisure use was a determining factor. This not only gives teens control, but also helps them increase their sense of satisfaction. For this reason, Iceland provided the necessary resources to increase sports, arts and other leisure activities for children and adolescents.

They also created a law banning children under the age of 12 from walking alone on the streets in the evenings after 8 p.m. 13

a teenager puts flowers in her boots

Currently, only 5% of Icelandic teenagers say they drank alcohol. Only 3% say they smoke tobacco every day. And only 7% have smoked cannabis in the past month. These are ideal figures for any country. But these readings are not achieved by themselves. As in Iceland, the state, families and society in general must commit to it.

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