Healthy Kids Are Spontaneous, Loud, Emotional And Colorful

Healthy children are spontaneous, loud, emotional and colorful

Children were not born to be quiet, patient, or entertain themselves. They have been created to try and feel things. They don’t have to spend their days in front of TVs or tablets.

They need to move, explore, discover new things, create adventures and experience the world around them. They are learners, sponges, natural players, treasure hunters, powerful volcanic eruptions.

Children are free, pure souls who want to live freely and not be put in place all the time. They are not allowed to grow too fast into adulthood with constant haste and lack of imagination.

Not to imprison them in a world of disappointments. Encourage them to use the power of their wonder and guarantee them a rich emotional, social and cognitive world with its stimuli in all those floral scents, sensory manifestations, happiness and awareness.

a child in a rich world

What happens in a child’s brain while playing?

The benefits of the game are by no means a mystery. In fact, we know many of the effects of playing:

  • It regulates the mind and anxiety.
  • It promotes attention, learning and memory.
  • It reduces neurological tension and promotes peace, well-being and happiness.
  • It promotes physical motivation while playing activates muscles.
  • It fosters the imagination and creativity and helps create fantasy and dreams.

Society encourages so-called hyperventhood by creating pressure on children’s ability to get jobs in the future. We forget, both as a society and as educators, that our children are really much more than their grades. When we urge them to prioritize results, at the same time we neglect the development of their life skills.

Our young children need love to be themselves in this very unique environment of ours. Not because they should achieve or fail. As children, we are not responsible for how we are raised, but as adults we are responsible for how we fix it.

child playing

Keep your childhood simple

We always say that every individual is unique, but maybe we haven’t really properly internalized it. This is simply the result of us setting rules for raising children.

This is a big mistake and does not conform to the idea that everyone is truly unique. It is therefore not surprising that our beliefs and actions are in constant conflict as we raise children.

As Professor and Advisor  Kim Payne  has stated, we raise our children:

  • with excessive information
  • surrounded by excessive materials
  • with too many options
  • in excessive hurry

We prevent them from exploring, reflecting, and freeing themselves from everyday tensions. We infuse them with technology, toys, school and afternoon activities. Above all, we distort their childhood and, worst of all, prevent them from playing and developing themselves.

Today, children spend less time in the fresh air than prison inmates. Why? Because we keep them “entertained and busy” surrounded by all of these activities that we find more useful to keep them intact and out of the mud. This is very unacceptable and worrying. Here are a few reasons why this shouldn’t work:

  • A study in Gothenburg Hospital, Sweden, shows that excessive hygiene increases the chance of developing allergies.
  • Denying children fresh air is wrong and it destroys their creativity  and development.
  • Bonding to cell phones, tablets, computers, and television screens causes harm to children, both mentally, physically, and behaviorally.
Teacher in the classroom

We could go on as before, but many have already found numerous reasons why we are destroying our children’s childhood. As breeder Francesco Tonucci notes:

This is arguably a much healthier way to work, raise and guarantee the success of our children.

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