Healthy Friendships: Ties That Help Grow

Healthy friendships help you grow as a person.
Healthy friendships: ties that help you grow

Some friendships are ones that ignite and remain glowing for long periods of time. Likewise, some friendships, in turn, end due to different circumstances or lack of time. Healthy friendships help you grow because they give you strength, support, and help.

People who form healthy friendships put all their love, respect, and faith in them. We will explain them in more detail in this article.

Characteristics of a healthy friendship

Healthy friendships encourage you to grow, motivate you to develop, and are always there for you.

  • Integrity.  Healthy relationships are honest. In other words, they are sincere, respectful and fair.
  • Confidence.  In such friendships, it is also important to express what you want in the best possible way, as it favors the well-being of all members of the relationship.
  • Trammels. People in healthy friendships can say no because they are not acting under complacency. Rather, they base their actions on what is fair to all parties involved.
  • Promoting trust. Mutual trust is a key factor in such relationships. Creating security in a relationship and eliminating all fears and prejudices are some of its priorities.

As you can see, healthy relationships are also authentic. They make you look like you are. When you argue or have different opinions, a friendship becomes more important than trying to change another person’s perspective.

healthy friendships are maintained

How to form healthy friendships

Healthy friendships are the result of effort, values ​​and abilities:

  • Seal of approval.  Accepting another person and yourself is the foundation of authenticity. It builds healthy relationships along with respect and tolerance.
  • Optimism.  The foundation of a good friendship is not to focus on complaining and condemning. This is how you help build a positive perspective.
  • Convincing communication.  Whether it’s thinking in the same way or disagreeing, it’s important to build a good relationship as effectively as possible to build a good relationship. This way, other people will be able to understand your perspective, which will prevent misunderstandings from happening.
  • Respect. It’s about knowing how far you’ve come and understanding how far another person has come.
  • Rejection of competition.  It doesn’t matter who achieves more and who achieves their goals first. Instead, it is about growth, development and change, because life is not a competition, but an adventure.
  • Emotion management. Emotion management skills will help you be more convincing. It also increases your understanding of your own actions as well as those of others. All of this can be very helpful in creating a healthy friendship.

In addition to all these qualities, one must not forget the most important thing: knowing yourself. Practicing self-reflection will help you become a better person.

What are the benefits of healthy friendships?

There are many benefits to creating healthy bonds.  Healthy friendships:

  • Promote happiness.
  • Add a sense of belonging to something.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Improve self-confidence.
  • Cultivate authenticity.
  • Lead to optimism.
friends and heart

It’s awesome what all healthy friendships can do for us.  For example, they promote healthy aging. Otero Puime, Zunzunegui Pastor, François, Rodríguez Laso, García de Yébenes and Prous argued in their article. They also argued that psychosocial networks play an important role in healthy aging.

In particular, they demonstrated the benefits of being close friends and being active in healthy relationships. Healthy friendships therefore lead to a better quality of life, especially for older people.

Another important aspect of such a friendship is that they help people deal with their fears and anxieties. They help people to overcome obstacles through support and promote well-being.

It’s great to see how you can grow together with friends who support you and help you become a better person. So don’t stop respecting them. Appreciate the time they spend with you and the love they share with you.

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