He Turned On The Music To Turn Off His Life

He put on music to turn off his life

Tired of constant criticism and flowing tears, he decided to make the music play to turn off his life for a moment. In this way he was able to silence the malice and barking and gain a little peace and quiet. However, the mind did not leave him alone and he still thought of the words he had been listening to for so long.

With tears on his cheeks and the music roaring, he tried to move and imagine himself in another place. Anything was right as long as he didn’t have to listen to anything that would hurt him. No life can be that way – it simply doesn’t deserve to be just a cry. Life shouldn’t be a constant bark, but that was all he knew.

Convincing to himself that he was not enough for the world and losing even the slightest remnants of hope for change, he decided to let what he heard lead him. And as a result, he lost his own world, and the cries he heard turned into self-fulfilled predictions. His voice turned into a whisper, for he was unable to fight the cries.

woman detaches her heart

Words can stop the heart, just like bullets

And just like a little bird with broken wings trapped in a box, he remained locked into his own crazy and senseless world. For as he listened to his worthlessness, he thought it would be better if he were not. And this if what killed him slowly, and he soon felt nothing but anger.

That anger came from within and detained him. There is nothing worse than being repelled through other words, for words, just like bullets, can stop the heart and blood circulation. And all he did was based on the wishes of others, not that he had once thought of himself.

Gradually, each cry turned into a stone thrown at his grave. Dead inside, he carried out other people’s demands to avoid offensive words. And now even the music could not help him, for the life within him was already dead. No melody made him forget the burn he felt inside.

The words of others have burned him alive and he has not been able to meet even some of their expectations.

girl crying with diamonds

You can’t get a cry out of your head if it hasn’t left your heart

So he spent his days with a smiling mask on his face. His gaze could surely have frozen your soul. Until one day he realized that he could no longer hear cries, even though peace had not yet been found. He felt empty and misunderstood, and he didn’t understand why he was still not happy even when the cries and insults were gone.

So he began to ask himself what he really wanted and what he had always wanted. He understood that there was no hope of making the cries disappear. He wanted to be free and live his life without worrying about the words of others, without having to meet the expectations of others.

He then realized that cries could not be taken away if they had not left the heart. At heart, with each beat, they remind us how we lost our own path. He took a deep breath and let his imagination fly. He turned the music on again, but this time he wanted to listen to a melody that rose straight from the heart.

flowers fly out of control

You are what you are, not what others want you to be

He then decided that no one would be able to throw him off his path anymore. He decided he wasn’t what they said he was. He wasn’t useless, lazy, nothing – but when he heard those words, he began to believe them. He began to open his backpack, which was full of rocks. Each stone represented words that other people had said about him.

With his courage and the music flowing within him, he took the first step and decided that those words would never guide his life again, for he now intended to follow the following steps:

  • Fulfilling other people’s desires only produces pain, which he chose to prioritize himself. He was important and if he didn’t value himself, no one involved would do that.
  • You are what you are, not what others say you are. He realized that maybe there are thousands of gossip about him and maybe other people have decided to disturb him at every step of his life, but only he knew his world and circumstances. Only he knew who he really was and what he could do, even if no one had time to listen.
  • No matter what you do, you will make mistakes. However, it is better to make mistakes and do the things you want than to blindly follow the expectations of others. He learned that not everyone would like everything he did, and he accepted it. Now he knew how to love himself.
  • Listening to yourself is the best choice you can make in your life. So he followed the melody of his own heart, for it showed what he really wanted.
  • Crazy words carry deaf ears. When he heard insults, shouts, and destructive criticism of himself, he learned to turn a deaf ear. The only people you should listen to, even if they criticize you, are those who have arguments, whether they are true or not.

And just like a real warrior who shows his courage, he stopped obeying other people and began to live the life he had always wanted. The solution and the big smile have taken control of their own journey. For a moment, he no longer had to turn on the music to turn off his life. Now he wrote his own melody.

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