Have I Wasted My Life?

If you have ever asked yourself this question, then it would be time for you to follow some good advice. In this article, we offer tips that can help you along the way.
Have I wasted my life?

Years may have rolled past you and you haven’t even noticed. Work responsibilities, daily pressures, and a large number of worries have kept you urgent. So urgent that you haven’t had time to reflect on your own being. But one day, tired of this automated life, you start thinking about things. Numerous different questions come to mind: “Have I got everything I’ve always wanted, or have I wasted my life?”, Or “Am I where I want to be?”.

If you have ever pondered such things, or if you are at such a stage in your life, you must not forget that it is very common for us humans. At some point, everyone will experience this same mess.

So it can be scary to find that you ask yourself these types of questions. This may be because you don’t know how far they will take you. It may also be a time for positive self-examination within you, leading to personal development. Such a period of crisis can create a new guiding impulse that can lead your life to a more positive and self-conscious state. Let’s see what we mean by this.

The woman wonders: have I wasted my life?

The big question is, “Have I wasted my life?”

When a person asks this to himself, he feels as if a gap opens up within him. It is not uncommon for this to make us reflect on our lives with introspection. The goal of such reflection is to find a balance between achievements and negative events or failures in life.

The result can be multiple emotions, all throwing out at the same time. This may be because at some point you have been asleep, or even repressed. The key is to identify this, to find its origin and to express this. This can give a clue about your current state and can help you free yourself from the burdens that prevented you from progressing.

As you can see, asking these questions leads to a deep mental and emotional journey. They address those areas of your life that you consider important. You will evaluate them all over and over again. In particular, the following seem to be important in this process:


“Do I like my job?”, “What perspectives does it offer me?”, “Will I stay in this job forever?”, “Have I wasted my life in this job?”.

These are questions that do not always have easy answers. Doing work is essential to living, and therefore it is a reality that is hard to escape. Even if you can’t control all the conditions around your work, the attitude you face with them depends on you.

Several psychologists suggest that work should be chosen carefully, although in general it is also not a good idea to base happiness on work or occupation. It would be best to choose a profession that has little emotional impact on you. This is especially true if you do not feel well or if your work bothers you or has negative consequences.

It’s important to be aware that you can’t force anyone to be where they don’t want to be. Therefore, you can always re-evaluate your work situation at any time, and start looking for new opportunities if you think this is the best. 

When the work you do brings with it more stress than satisfaction, it can be a sign. It may be time to start looking for new opportunities to move forward and this will help you avoid getting stuck in a bad situation. However, it is true that this is not always possible.

Life consists of moments. Therefore, one way to take advantage of it is to learn to use every second to your advantage. Let’s take an example where you can’t always be at home because of your work. If you don’t want this to interfere with your ability to enjoy life, you can make a deal with yourself. You can try to make the time spent at home unforgettable.


“Have I wasted my family life?”. This may be the next big question on your mind. A positive way to face this is by reformulating this question. This can give you new answers.

You can formulate this question in a form that lacks negative emotions. This could make you work. You can be inspired to strive for something better for your family. “It may be true that I have wasted my family life. So now is the time to do something to change this. ”

Most of the time, we don’t choose our family. Nonetheless, on an emotional level, it is helpful to be grateful for our family. We may even appreciate the mere fact that we have a family. We must not forget that not everyone is equally lucky.

Maybe in your case, a lot of time has passed and you have become detached from your own family members. Or you don’t have the kind of relationship with them that you would like. Anyway, what’s really stopping you from forming the kind of relationship with your family you’ve always wanted?

The past is nothing more than a daydream in your own mind. And because of its nature, it doesn’t have to be an obstacle to your ability to act today. You can restore those connections to your family that have been damaged by time. If you have a need to forgive, you are completely free to do so. If you have a need to forgive, you also have the right to apologize to others.

Remember that your family forms your own roots. Your own family is your origin. A family is a group of people with whom you have much in common. Therefore, it is likely that you will feel a desire to take care of them.

The woman ponders


There are people who do not understand the importance of having children. Instead, they focus their attention on other priorities. For others, children are like the transcendent purpose of life.

Whatever the case was for you, this is something to consider if you have children. This must, of course, be done calmly and at a certain distance. Clarity of thought tends to get people to take appropriate action.

If you’re worried about how your child will be raised or worried about their future, think for a moment. Is there something that keeps you in this constant state of grief? It is possible that you can try new strategies that alleviate these worries and that channel energy into other things.

Sometimes you have to act differently if you don’t want to get the same results. When you always follow the same path, you always get to the same destination.


The years roll by, and we begin to lose our friends. At the same time, we also get new ones. This happens even more clearly when we move out of our hometown, or even our home country.

As a result, you may have the feeling that over time you will have fewer friends. If this happens to you, you usually have two options. The first is to close and maintain your social circle, even if it is smaller than you would like. The second is that you are open to new friendships without forgetting your old friends. The right option varies from person to person.

A common mistake is to glorify old friends as they once were. This may make you believe they are not as good as they once were. We are now talking about the kind of friendships you had in high school or college. However, it is not always easy to be absolutely sure of this. Whatever the case, try to remember that making new connections with new people offers benefits for emotional health.

Track record

The question that actually precedes the question “have I wasted my life” is “what have I achieved in my life?”. When you ask yourself this question, your goal is to assess your level of satisfaction with the accomplishments of your life. You usually create certain evaluation criteria that are basically a comparison.

Questions like “have I got everything I want in life?” Seem to come from such comparisons. Perhaps the most detrimental part of such questions is the feeling that you have reached the maximum achievement point. The thing is, you still have time in front of you. This means that you have plenty of opportunities to pursue new achievements.

Most people agree that it is never too late to innovate and achieve what we want. Perhaps this claim is not very far from reality. Be that as it may, the goals you set for yourself and also the goals you achieve are entirely up to you.

Renewing yourself

What resources do you have available? What are your daily restrictions? These questions will lead to knowledge of the factors that may prevent you from achieving your goals. They will also help you identify what talents you have that can help you achieve your goals. 

And this knowledge is generally important to be able to let go of burdens. It is essential to get rid of those things that, instead of helping to achieve the goals, only make it harder to achieve them. Therefore, it is worth learning from people with admirable qualities. This can help you delve into the process of knowledge and self-development.


The years have passed and they are all full of experiences and memories. We collect them as we move forward and they become the building blocks of our stronghold of wisdom. And from them we can find the right materials to build a better view of ourselves.

If this big question really harasses you, don’t sink into despair. It may just be a matter of time before this issue resolves on its own. It is possible that if you study your goals, you will notice things you have not achieved. Then you can start all the way back to the goals you have set for yourself in the past.

What removes value and quality from your life doesn’t deserve your attention. Instead, delve deeper into the things that offer you benefits. Now you can start working and continue learning. This is especially true for important situations in your life that have been affected by your own choices. With these in mind, you can choose one of the following attitudes:

  • Make a choice.
  • Don’t make a choice.
  • Decide not to decide –  even if this is not a choice in itself. This is a spiritual trap.

Only you know which of these three choices is the boldest and which is the most cowardly. As Judo master Kano Jigoro has said, “It’s not important to be better than someone else, but better than what you were yesterday.”

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