Forgiveness Makes Me A Better Person

Forgiveness makes me a better person

The thing that comforts me the most is that I am able to forgive. In fact, forgiveness saved me because it was the only way I was able to find myself.

By forgiving someone who hurt me, I have made a difference. In other words, it enabled me to stop carrying resentment at this person and thus again I was able to love myself.

The couple forgives and hugs

It’s about saving myself

Accepting the pain and trying to get on with it creates a great mental shock. We have a feeling that we are alone and it seems that there are only two options ahead of us.

On the other hand, the easiest way would seem to be to allow time to heal the wounds and wait for forgiveness to come by itself. Another option is to take up the challenge and face the pain and forgiveness.

With age, I have realized that only the latter option works. Forgiveness has made it possible for me to stop thinking about my wounds through anger and have been able to focus on my scar.

Forgiving another in time is an invitation to ourselves to love ourselves and save ourselves. It saves us from pain and helps us get over our pain so we can grow, become better people, and appreciate what we have.

Forgiveness makes me a better person

Why does forgiveness make us grow? Forgiveness is the boldest act I know. In fact, nothing has affected me as well as the fact that I have been able to forgive my biggest disappointments and realize that it is as important to forgive as to be forgiven.

Apologizing is as difficult as forgiving.  The fact that we don’t focus on our pain and give more value to the success of the other than to the mistakes of the other is bold.

The girl forgives in the meadow

I like people who understand that our well-being comes at a price. Often this price is forgiveness, forgetting, and letting go of painful things.

That knowledge is important to me that my behavior is not constantly looked through through either a good or bad filter and that I am allowed to make mistakes.

Why is forgiveness necessary?

Honesty is useful in all our relationships, but most of all it is beneficial in the relationship we have with ourselves.

When it’s time to forgive, it won’t become anything unless it springs from honesty coming from within. There are certain benefits to forgiving that you may want to hear about. When we do not forgive, negative energy accumulates within us. It’s kind of like hate. After all, this particularly affects us, even though we might think otherwise.

Forgiveness does good for our health: research confirms that forgiveness reduces stress and heart disease. Forgiveness liberates and heals: people change and so do situations, no one is perfect. The sooner we understand this, the sooner we can free ourselves from a situation where we are stuck. Forgiveness, then, in this case, means that we understand that we are all making mistakes.

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