Fight Loneliness With Wisdom

Fight loneliness with wisdom

Loneliness can be cruel and destructive if we make it our enemy. But the society we live in doesn’t help us think differently. From childhood we have the idea that loneliness is something negative. It is something that distinguishes successful people from failed ones. But if you are alone, what are you going to do? Are you going to stop enjoying life just because you don’t have anyone by your side?

The solution to all of this can be found within us, but we don’t see it because we believe there are things that only need to be done with other people (just for the sake of it). It is necessary to free ourselves from the belief that loneliness is a bad thing. In reality, it may be the most enriching experience of our lives.

Loneliness is a gift

We often do ridiculous things to avoid being alone. We jump from relationship to relationship, do things to others that we wouldn’t want to do, just so we don’t “lose” them, etc. There are a wide range of things we do just to keep people in our lives because we think loneliness is not a good option.

Have you ever gone to the movies alone? Have you ever dared to eat at your favorite restaurant without another person? How many times have you abandoned your plan because no one wanted to leave with you? If you think about it, we often limit ourselves and can’t do what we enjoy because we don’t have another person with us. This is one of the dumbest things you can do.

the woman has pink hair

It is true that the people around you may look at you in astonishment. Your family might say you’re a little confused when you go to a bar or club alone. This puts pressure on you to listen to them, and feeds a false belief that still writhes in your head. But if you stay true to yourself and refuse to sacrifice your pleasure just because you have no company, a whole world of possibilities opens up for you.

Of course, you are afraid of rejection and disobedience. But who knows, maybe you’ll find someone out there where you’re going? It’s not just to go with this idea in mind, you should have fun. But anything can happen. While you may not believe it, there are people who do things alone and enjoy their loneliness. They are not interested in what others think.

We don’t have to be dependent on anyone

Our fear of loneliness is the result of our dependence on each other. Addiction to family, partner, or friends… Not just because you can do things with them, but because you can share life with them. When we find peace in solitude, we are free. But we are afraid to let go, free ourselves from what creates a sense of security for us.

We start to feel dizzy when we realize that no one is holding the other end of the rope, we just have ourselves. We cannot deny ourselves our fears, and we have no choice but to listen to ourselves. We have avoided it for a long time, drowning our voices in the crowds and listening to superficial conversations.

the girl holds a star in her hands

However, we find a great feeling of loneliness. We feel that we are responsible for our lives, and that social norms as well as unwritten rules embedded in us mean so little. When we are alone, our hands are shaking because we need to take the reins of our own lives into our hands. And that’s if that’s scary. So many times we have thought we were free, but in reality we have been dependent on others.

We cannot lie to ourselves. Loneliness hurts because it forces us to face even our greatest fears. But fear is always temporary and never lasts longer than necessary. Loneliness forces us to be our own selves. It forces us to free ourselves from the foolish beliefs and norms we have held to be absolute truth. In reality, we were just trying to limit us.

bare feet and butterflies

It’s not a bad thing to be alone or enjoy being alone. Ignore those who make fun of you. They try to get you back to your old ways when you were still dependent on others. If loneliness enters your life, don’t forbid it from coming in. Don’t try to avoid it by surrounding yourself with empty people who don’t give you anything. Cherish it, accept it, and most of all, enjoy it. Because loneliness enriches your life, helps you find yourself, and grow as a person.

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