Electronic Devices Affect The Brain, But Do You Know How?

Electronic devices affect the brain, but do you know how?

Electronic devices have become invaluable in modern life. Technology as a whole brings many benefits and has become such a big part of our routines that it would be hard for many of us to imagine life without it. It saves time and makes almost everything easier. It also helps us do better things and prevents us from making mistakes.

Much of this technology is relatively new. Admittedly, we are only now beginning to study its impact on people. While there are already some conclusions about it, the fact is that  we have not yet figured out exactly how it might affect our health and whether there is any chance that these devices will cause significant changes to our brains. 

However, we know that devices have a big impact. In fact, the general recommendation is to avoid overexposure to electronic devices. That means not keeping them really close for too long. It also means breaking away from them sometimes and paying attention to any symptoms in case you start noticing health problems for which there is no other obvious reason.

Equipment and electromagnetic field

It has been proven that there is electromagnetic pollution. Electrical appliances and devices create an electromagnetic field that, of course, has an effect on our brains. Take, for example, two common devices: a television and a computer.

phones and skeletons

An experiment was conducted at the Occupational Health Center in Lodz, Poland, in 1987. A number of pregnant female rats and a number of male rats were exposed to television at a distance of 30 cm for four hours a day.

The result in female rats was that their offspring weighed less and were smaller than normal. The result in male rats was a reduction in the weight of their testicles. In both cases, there was less sodium in the cortex and hypothalamus.

People have also done several studies on computers. In one of them, it  was concluded that pregnant women who work at a computer are more likely to have a miscarriage than other women. In general, people who work at a computer screen are more likely to show these symptoms:

  • dry mucus
  • skin infections
  • dry eyes
  • pimples on the face and open pores
  • red eyes
  • fatigue
  • migraines
  • stress

All of this is because computers create an electromagnetic field using positive ions and the screens make us blink our eyes less often. The ions move through the air and are eventually received by the user of the device. Devices can make a person feel dizzy, light-headed, unwell, and so on.

The solution is to keep yourself at least a meter away from the device. This applies to both televisions and computers. And when it comes to buying them, you should always look for ones that have TCO certification.

Equipment and the social world

Social life is probably the part of our lives that has changed the most due to electronic devices. The ways we meet, interact and create new relationships are all very different. And it is constantly changing. Almost every year comes a new application or feature that revolutionizes our daily communication.

One of the most notable aspects of these new ways of communicating is that they are very often intrusive. Anytime, anywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are or what time it is. Receiving a text message, phone call or email is always possible, no matter how important it is.

the man charges the phone from his head

In fact, one of the world’s “rules” today says that we need to pay attention to many stimuli at the same time. It is common for a case to be interrupted due to  communication. Then you start again with what you were doing.

Thus, we find ourselves in a kind of state of exhaustion. We pay for it when we pull our attention away from one task and focus it on another and then come back focusing on what we did in the past.

In the same way , therefore, the  brain must be on alert for any flashing light, sound, or vibration. It interprets all of these signs – initially – as a threat or an emergency. Of course, you won’t die in horror when you notice them. But that means the alarm system will pick up and a small alarm will go on inside you. This will very quickly bring an extra dose of stress into your life.

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