Digital Detox: Reconnecting To The Real World

Digital detox helps relieve stress and reconnect to the real world.
Digital detox: reconnect to the real world

Let’s be honest now: we’re almost always connected to the internet, be it on a smartphone, computer or tablet. The digital world has become a fundamental part of our daily lives, in fact, the smartphone is usually the first and last thing we see every day. Are we aware of how much time we spend immersed in the digital world? Maybe not. If we were, we would probably do something about it. One option is the so-called digital detox.

What would happen if we decided to spend less time on social media? Some are already alarmed by the mere idea that they won’t be able to check their sometime every day. But what was life like before this digital craze took over?

Of course, we do not mean that social interaction should be stopped altogether. But it is very important to be responsible for the use of social media. It must be used reasonably and must not be allowed to take control of life.

It’s just good to break away from technology every now and then. Why do we even feel the compelling need to be online all the time? It has gone to the point that we have become dependent on technology. That’s why it’s a great idea to do a digital detox, disconnect from technology to reconnect with the real world, ourselves and the people around us. Let’s take a closer look at this.

Dependence on social media

What is a digital detox?

Digital detox means taking a break from the digital world. It’s about disconnecting from social media, the internet, and new technology. It aims to break the digital addiction that causes anxiety when we haven’t glanced at our phone for a few hours (a few minutes for some). This dependence has grown so great that we have ceased to take care of ourselves and our responsibilities.

The word detox means to remove toxins. Digital detox is about eliminating the toxicity within us in this case technology. While technology can sometimes be a lot of help and can be entertaining, it also has a lot of downsides.

The intention is not to sever the relationship with technology altogether, but to be aware of how we use it. We need to pay attention to how much time we spend online and all the things we may be failing to do or delaying because of this addiction.

Core issues in digital detox

Digital detox sounds easy, but in reality it is not. We are so used to being online all the time that it is already part of our daily habits. Indeed, doing a digital detox requires a lot of perseverance and dedication. The following things can help:

  • Decide on a time: This is a very personal step as it depends on each person’s own schedules. A detox can be done on weekends, at certain times of the day, etc. The key is to start; just a couple of minutes a day is enough to start. Keep in mind that habits take root slowly but surely, so it’s just OK if a digital detox doesn’t work in one go.
  • Go step by step: Digital detox will not work overnight, especially if you want to do it right. It is important to be patient with yourself and your own progress.
  • Ponder yourself: Don’t be afraid to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings. This will help you understand why you feel a constant need to be connected to the internet. Are you trying to avoid something? Are you missing something you would like? Are you lonely in real life? The key is to be aware that you can disconnect from the digital world and still live a good life.
  • Say goodbye to reminders !: Reminders often become a huge nuisance. Sometimes they come one after the other, which interferes with the focus on important tasks. Reminders can cause anxiety and exacerbate the need to be online all the time.
  • Look for other options: What would it be like to have coffee with a friend, read a good book, or play sports? Find something else to do! Don’t hesitate to try something outside of your comfort zone for once. Keep your thoughts on other things so you don’t think about social media all the time.
  • Be more compassionate: Putting yourself in the position of other people is very important. If we always stare at the screen when we are with friends or family, we will not respect them at all. You want to be heard too, don’t you? Then do the same to the others. Respect them and give them attention.

It is also worthwhile to keep the phone somewhere away when you go to bed. When it is close, it can make you feel very anxious. Keeping your phone somewhere out of reach will improve the quality of your sleep as you are more relaxed.

Some people need more than just detox. Some people have developed such a bad obsession that they need professional help. They are deeply dependent on the digital world and are unable to distance themselves from it.

Digital detox gives more time for relationships

Benefits of digital detox

Digital detox benefits in a number of ways:

  • It relieves stress.
  • You will be able to spend more time with yourself.
  • You will learn to share your time better.
  • Your empathy will grow.
  • You make room for relationships and you get a deeper connection with people.
  • Digital detox allows you to build more authentic relationships.
  • You get more free time.
  • Tranquility and relaxation increase.
  • You will learn more about yourself.

Digital detox allows for a better relationship with the world, other people and ourselves. It allows us to make different plans and set new kinds of priorities, instead of spending all our time browsing Instagram or watching videos. Digital detox is a great opportunity to reconnect with the real world and maximize your free time.

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