Defeating The Spiritual Traces Of Childhood

Overcoming the spiritual traces left by childhood

From birth we are inner and learn all the time about the things that are happening around us.

While no one knows exactly what a newborn baby can feel, we assume that he too feels many different sensations. Long before a person learns to speak, he learns to use body language. This allows us to know what the baby likes or doesn’t like, even if he or she is only a few hours old.

“Childhood is a privilege of old age. I don’t know why I remember it now more than ever before. ”

-Mario Benedetti-

From the moment we are born, we begin to build our inner world based on what we experience in our outer world. From a very young age, our experiences evoke feelings in us that may remain in our subconscious for the rest of our lives.

How do emotions affect us?

The emotions we experience affect us differently depending on how strong and what type they are. Memories of all stages of our lives are always related to the emotions that bring them to our minds, and that is why these memories go with us.

The positive effects on our emotions stem from situations that cause strong feelings of well-being in us. Our emotions are negatively affected by situations that cause equally strong but unpleasant emotions. Such situations evoke strong emotions in us and inevitably leave their mark on our brains.

Because of the trace left in our brains, we always remember that same unpleasant experience if we experience similar feelings in other situations in life.

Where are spiritual signs stored?

Spiritual traces are stored in the subconscious. For this reason, we often fail to explain why we feel uncomfortable in a particular situation or why we feel fearful or confused when faced with a particular person or situation.

The explanation for such feelings is well hidden in our conscious mind, but it is possible to find. However, for some unexplained feelings, we become vigilant so that they do not survive for us. Fear, confusion, uncertainty, and discomfort arise automatically, but our subconscious knows the hidden cause of all our reactions.

How can we get rid of such spiritual traces?

In many cases, therapy focused on a person’s conscious thoughts can help, as it strengthens and modifies those aspects of the personality that have been impaired in childhood or since.

In other cases, however, it is necessary to use a therapeutic technique that goes deeper into a person’s subconscious. In this case, the damage caused by events experienced in childhood years ago can be modified, even though the person himself is not aware of the events.

In such cases, hypnosis can be a very viable option, as the pain stored in our emotional brain during the trance can be treated and modified. The most common approaches to working with the subconscious are, for example:

  • Bringing to life a person’s inner child,  and reinforcing this by showing love and affection that may have been lacking in childhood.
  • Rebuilding the painful situation.
  • Take control of the ability and strategies required to face an avoided situation.
  • Learning attitudes and skills to develop and grow oneself.

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