Decisions Without Judgment: Intuitive Intelligence

Decisions without judgment: intuitive intelligence

You may have sometimes been told that you do not think until you speak or make decisions, as if it were an insult. Be that as it may, this might be a great virtue if you have learned how to make the most of a wonderful skill known as intuitive intelligence.

“When we make small decisions, it is beneficial to analyze the pros and cons. In matters that are important to life, the decision should be made unconsciously, from the source deep within us. ”

-Sigmund Freud-

Heart in woman's hands

Until a few decades ago, there was not much knowledge about intelligence. We liked intelligence as much as, for example, the ability to solve logical problems. Then a theory emerged that made everyone’s jaws slip open: polygamy theory.

Scientists have found that people have many abilities and intelligences, more than just the ability to solve an equation  or combine words and phrases with each other. In addition, much has been explored in recent years in the area of ​​intelligence known as the title of intuitive intelligence. This theory refers to the way we make our decisions.

As Freud said, decisions that are truly relevant to our lives, such as questions about a partner or work, should be made under the laws of nature, under the favorable guidance of our intuition or instinct.

What does this mean? That if we rely on our instincts instead of our thoughts, if we keep in mind practice rather than theory, and if we do not allow fear and uncertainty to guide us, then  our decisions are naturally never “right” or “wrong”.

Why does the mind have to make decisions? Can our hearts be right?

Happy woman in nature

Intuitive intelligence: thinking with emotions

The theory of multi-intelligence emerged thanks to Canadian-born sociologist Malcolm Gladwell. He affirms that we have the ability to apply a certain logic to situations based on our experiences,  which, however, are in fact transient and subjective. But we are also able to deduce what is most important, in a very short time, such as in the blink of an eye. This is intuitive or instinctive intelligence

If we take advantage of this, we will be able to solve problems and make decisions quickly.  This concept is undeniably contrary to our perceptions and customs. We are taught from an early age that in order to make a good decision, we need to think about it, “ think overnight ,” let the matter mumble for a few days, and so on.

Unlike the classic way of making decisions – analyzing the good and the bad and the right and wrong for each option –  this sociologist encourages us to make decisions without thinking much. Or rather, it encourages us  to make decisions based on our feelings and experiences, not on reasoning  or the concepts we have been taught in the past.

Two options

More information is not always a good thing to make a decision.  We can analyze something or situation through 20 times, look for more information, ask other people for their opinion, do research, or go to the middle of nowhere to think about it. But this does not guarantee success or making the right choice.

According to the theory of instinctive intelligence, time and deep analysis can give us a miserable hand,  making us embarrassed or even bored during the course of development. When this happens, wrong decisions are made, because then the brain “clogs” itself.

We could compare our brains to the server. What happens if you open too many windows and try to perform ten tasks at once? Right, the server crashes and hangs. The same reaction occurs in the brain if too much information is crammed into them, as well as if too much pressure and stress is fed.

Another clear example that helps us understand the theory of intuitive intelligence is a situation where we want to eat something sweet. We go to the store and see an endless supply of candies and chocolates. We spend hours making a decision… If instead we open the fridge door at home and (with a little luck) we have two sweet options, it takes us much less time to decide and we spend more time enjoying our dessert.

We can practice the principles of instinctive intelligence by keeping “ our minds open ”.  Learn to read the messages and signals that emotions send you and allow yourself to be taken away from them at times.

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