Confident Indifference: What It Is And How It Works

Confident indifference: what it is and how it works

Confident indifference is a new term first used in the field of human relations. Gradually, the concept has begun to be used in other areas as well and has proven to be a useful way to manage different situations.

Confident indifference is a behavior that intentionally prevents any external reaction in any situation. You act like it doesn’t matter to you and it doesn’t affect you in any way. It’s a kind of simulated pattern of behavior because it’s meant to hide from another person what you really feel.

When people use confident indifference, they try not to reveal their true feelings to another person. Basically, it might feel like pretense or a bit of manipulation. In fact, however, it is quite the opposite. The idea is to avoid showing weaknesses so that no one can manipulate you in the power game. That’s why we’ve added the word “confident” to this type of indifference.

Confident indifference in love life

Our love life can sometimes be like a rose garden, but sometimes it can also feel like a battlefield. They often play power games. We are not just talking about the chauvinism found around the world. A woman also uses her power in many situations.

couple and Confident indifference

In a relationship, partners often try to test each other. One or both want to see how much influence he or she has over the other. This is especially true at the beginning of a relationship. It also happens when the relationship ends and the situation is still new, and either wants to see if they still have a chance to try again.

It’s like a kind of emotional twist, and in these cases, confident indifference can be a good option. You can pretend you don’t feel anything for the other person either to stop your ex-partner from manipulating you or to prevent you from starting the relationship you ended again. It is not so much a deception, but rather a tactic to achieve greater good.

Confident indifference and conflicting situations

Confident indifference is also an appropriate response when we are constantly in conflict with certain people. One example could be a partner with whom you always have disagreements that always leave a “bad taste in your mouth”. You already know they will never change. For some reason, that person always seems to be looking for a conflict with you.

If you find that dialogue is impossible, the best option left is confident indifference. That means you don’t give in to provocation, you don’t care about offensive comments, and eventually you get rid of them. The goal is that you don’t offer any kind of answer to what they say to you, things that would only make the whole situation worse.

Confident indifference in a debate situation

Over time, self-indifferent indifference becomes a valid means of triggering other people’s inappropriate behavior. When they see that they can’t get anywhere in the ridiculous game they’re playing, sooner or later they give up and give up that kind of behavior.

A tool to overcome situations

Confident indifference can also be applied to our everyday conflicts. Disagreements with other people are just a part of life. Most of the time, such disagreements are really minor. Sometimes, however, they cause more serious clashes. One way or another, we have to constantly decide whether to move forward or not.

Part of self-confidence is deciding what things we should take forward. This self-confidence is exactly what will allow you to defend your rights effectively. Stop mental violence. But in order to do it effectively, you need to learn to differentiate between when your rights are at stake and when you are not.

No reaction is required for all conflicting situations. We can also simply “let go” and that is an important part of confident indifference. That means we need to assess which reaction has the most benefits and the least negative consequences for us. For example, responding to the aggression of a drunk person is only valid if it really jeopardizes something fundamentally good.

Thus, confident indifference is a tool that can help us manage different conflict situations, but in an intelligent way. Sometimes the best thing we can do is do nothing. In fact, the option of doing nothing when appropriate is exactly what this whole concept is about.

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