Change Comes From An Example, Not An Opinion

Change comes from example, not opinion

The principle of education is to lead by example. In fact, we are all someone’s role models – sources of influence. In this sense, opinions that are not followed by examples are not very effective. Even bad examples are more useful than good opinions – they are references that teach us what we should not do.

We learn from childhood to old age through examples and direct experiences. Such learning takes place through observation of the use of others, and many factors are required for its proper functioning. Especially the example-shower should seem interesting to the person watching it. In addition, in terms of learning, it is recommended that the behavior is key and is repeated after seeing the example.

Using an example, learning often works faster and more efficiently than with any other teaching tool. There are, of course, certain behaviors, especially risk behaviors, that cannot be learned through examples alone.

Examples, sole education

How many people can a good example attract? How many can you capture with your opinion? With the exception of speaking skills and good defense of opinions, the examples are much more uplifting as they reinforce the learner’s opinions. They can more directly appreciate the most likely consequences of a particular behavior.

hands holding hands

Education is not just about lessons. Lessons need to include some practical sections. If we want to raise children, nephews, or students, we must keep in mind that our actions will have a stronger impact on them than our words.

It is inappropriate to give orders and then not show the same kind of behavior you demand of others, on a social, personal, and family level. Such a person is not an effective role model due to the contradiction between his words and actions. He sends conflicting messages to the person watching him.

Words shake you, an example draws you

The example is the only lesson everyone can read. Words, on the other hand, are full of mindsets and hidden meanings. We cannot deny that words can sometimes be healing and bring a change to an aspect. However, words typically do not have a long-term effect when it comes to changing the situation.

If we want to change our attitude, schedule, or habits, it is not enough to say repeatedly to do so. Only the facts bring about change. It is true that words make us wonder which examples are relevant, but only when behavior occurs can learning be considered or change made.

the change arises from an example: a girl helps a boy

The words have the power of judgment when heard, but the examples have the power of truth when seen and lived. Words are even more effective when supported by a personal example, but words without deeds are like pieces of metal – they resonate but do nothing worthwhile.

Only people who use words can judge others, but only for a limited time. Unless, of course, they support their words with examples and perceived sanctions. There is indeed power in words through the example of the speaker. Without an example, words become abstract.

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