Challenge To Accept What Happens To Us

The challenge of accepting what is happening to us

Accepting the things that happen to us is the first step toward change. In order to accept the most painful things that have happened to us, we often need time from that moment until we have managed to deal with it. Accepting it really helps us build a new and more realistic picture of ourselves and what happened to us.

The challenge that every person has to face at some point in their lives is to adapt to the most unfavorable circumstances, because things don’t always go the way we would like. There will come a day full of more or less grief, more or less in the future, when we will accept what we are, be it the initial impetus for change or part of our story.

Accepting our vulnerability instead of trying to conceal it is the best way to face reality, but it is also the best way to build trusting relationships. Accepting things is not cowardice. Instead, it is a sign of the courage it takes to admit that we are not in a place we like. 

Life is not what we think, it is what happens to us

Sometimes reality makes us happy and other times it destroys us. But as we should have already accepted, life is not what we want, it is what happens to us. The tool we can use to connect everything we go through, especially painful experiences, is called emotional intelligence.

the woman tries to accept what is happening to us

People with emotional intelligence experience negative and painful emotions without the burden of frustration that would push them down. They understand these feelings to be inevitable and do not try to combat them or ignore them.

In contrast, people with low emotional intelligence make the process even more painful because they are unable to distinguish pain from suffering.

Pain is inevitable, but suffering is largely a personal choice. Usually we suffer more because of what we cannot accept. Refusal, when accompanied by a very large tunnel charge, is effective as a first defense, but becomes inoperable in the long run.

How can we accept something we have never prepared for?

Accepting what has already happened or what needs to happen is the first step in overcoming any emotional impact of failure. The fastest way to change our attitude to pain is to accept that anything that happens to us can help us grow.

Life is dynamic. Since childhood, we have been in constant change, changing games, school, friendships, family composition. Accepting this as part of life instead of burying ourselves in the sand, showing that no change will take place, will help us understand the different periods of life.

Some losses cannot be won, but they must be accepted. In order to learn to accept defeat, we need to understand the feelings we have and give them meaning in the present moment. Rearrange your memories so you can move on.

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We will never lose what we once enjoyed. Everything we love deeply becomes a part of us. When we are in contact with another person, a close friend, a parent, a sibling, a partner, this connection changes us and we become part of the other’s thoughts in some way.

So with all kinds of losses, we have to remember that the person who leaves our lives has already left his mark on us. Whenever we want him to be with us, all we have to do is look at our gestures, words, and attitude to see part of him again.

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