Best Ideology: Love And Friendship

The best ideology: love and friendship

Here’s something that many might find quite a daring request: don’t argue with people who place emphasis only on your ideology. Don’t think that someone is any further away from you just because you don’t share your beliefs on a particular topic. 

Don’t be entangled in endless conversations with people who are just worried about getting their own opinion right, or that their thoughts on that topic are more important. Don’t build a wall of mistrust for people who haven’t seen your soul  just because you believe their thoughts might be a threat to your own.

Don’t destroy real friendships that haven’t done any harm to your life, just because that person has different views of life about themselves than you do. It’s not worth it. While wasting your words and energy protesting and filling with resentment, you also miss the fact  that those who create those divisions actually offer a new opportunity to smile.

The best ideology and way to understand the world is one based on the love and intimacy you give to people who walk through the revolving doors of your life.

Maybe you have views of the world that seem opposing and opposing to each other. However, if you love and respect others and if you enjoy the company of those who illuminate your life, then  consider whether it is really worth destroying everything because of that invisible gap that causes distance between you and those people.

The best ideology in life is based on the actions you do, as well as what those actions say about you

There is one fairly common mistake that almost everyone makes when  it comes to communication . This mistake is to actually think and believe that all the words you hear are true  and that they are pronounced honestly from the heart of a person who speaks directly. It’s easy to forget that in reality, they’re all just words that escape their lips and don’t necessarily come from their hearts.

Sometimes even you yourself say something without thinking about it,  or offer an ignorant opinion just because you think you have to tell your opinion about everything in order to define yourself. Indeed, the general belief is that by doing so, all the people around us will see us in a better light.

You may also sometimes confuse simple words and gestures as a statement of intent, or intent to be hurtful or offensive. Maybe you personalize everything you hear and end up incorporating the opinions of others into your own life experience.

Sharing many different topics and talking about them with friends is essential. It is good to feed your own intellect with the opinions of others. In addition, this sharing can be therapeutic, help you get rid of your own stress, and allow you to see the truth from many different perspectives.

Children playing with an airplane

Having a genuine conversation is an art form that should not turn into a dispute, especially if the other party is someone you love and appreciate. If there are problems with communication, it is always possible to solve them with the right volume. They can be solved by listening and by never puffing up your own personal thoughts on others.

Sometimes that boundary that separates simple discussion and dispute may be crossed. Every time this happens to someone you love, your relationship with that person may become more and more distant. S inun should always keep in mind the idea that the words flying in the wind. Only deeds and real events show intentions and the real values ​​of each person’s life.

You may also find yourself in a situation where you are attacking someone you love because of something he or she said, but in reality, he or she has shown time and time again the complete opposite with his or her behavior and actions. From your point of view, it may seem like this person is cheating on you because of what he has to say, but he never neglected you with his actions.

Maybe that person will also experience disappointment because of your words, and maybe you have offended him with your own words. This can be a difficult and stressful situation, especially when you and that person you love have always helped each other and have never actually hurt each other.

The best ideology and the highest truth is the love of the people you love

While  the ideas or thoughts of others may seduce anyone, none of these things can offer us the kind of true love  and comfort that comes from sincere words and understanding from someone who truly loves you.

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