Accepting People As They Are

Accepting people as they are

Can you accept people as they are? Or do you often feel anger, resentment, jealousy, and other negative feelings for people who don’t behave the way you would like them to behave?

These negative emotions  reflect manipulative dynamics that contribute to stress, conflict, and most certainly insulting other people’s emotions as well.

Accepting people’s diversity

We are all truly unique, both in the perspective we have on life and in the attitudes, feelings, and experiences we have. An exact copy of you has never existed and there never will be. You are irreplaceable; there is no world like you. Are you aware of that?

It is precisely about our differences and personal qualities that make life interesting and challenging. Interacting with people who see life differently makes relationships even richer.

However, it is unfortunate that these disagreements, if mismanaged, can often lead to unresolved conflicts, stress and disappointment.

We need to accept the individuality of people, even if it is easier said than done.

When it comes to relationships, for example, we create an idea of ​​what the “other half” should be like and how they should act according to our standards. We also expect them to behave as we expect. This, of course, does not happen and  problems arise every time we develop such rigid expectations.

We cannot blame others for not being what we hoped they were. The purpose of a relationship or friendship is to have fun and achieve mutual enrichment; not to change anyone.

We will never like everything

We need to ask ourselves:  is the behavior of another person, one that we do not accept, inappropriate, or would we just have done it differently?

When we fail to separate these things from each other, we feel disappointed and frustrated with other people. We should not demand that others behave, think, or work the same way we do  because such an attitude will cause problems every time.

When we constantly watch what others are doing,  we lose the opportunity to enjoy the present moment with them.

What should we do if we think someone’s behavior is unwanted?

At this point, it is no longer a matter of accepting people as they are, but of behaving that you do not accept, based on your own rules of conduct. In these cases, it is important to talk about the topic and discuss the person’s attitude directly with them.

Your approach is very important when it comes to asking another to change. At the same time, we may throw everything away and achieve the exact opposite result than we hoped.

No one changes around just because they are now aware of your desires; things don’t work that way. And if that’s what you expect to happen, you’ll just get annoyed day by day more until one day you simply “explode”.

It’s much more lucrative and effective to talk to another about what’s bothering you,  explaining how it affects you, and how it makes you feel. In this way, the other person does not feel offended or that someone attacked him,  and it is more likely that he will also change his attitude.

In the same way,  we need to be open to other people’s feedback when we ourselves have suggested that they change something. The common goal is to get along better and more comfortably.

Who do you want to change? If the list is long, maybe it’s time for you to think about it. It probably means that you have a lot of work to do with yourself before you can find true happiness. 

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