Be The Best Version Of Yourself

Be the best version of yourself

We all try to come up with the best possible version of ourselves, but only a few succeed. Many times we are the worst enemies of ourselves. Some even develop habits that destroy themselves, such as addictions.

It doesn’t matter what age you are, because finding the best possible version of yourself is always tricky. There are people who are involuntarily destructive of themselves but do nothing to change. If you feel ready and motivated to be the best version of yourself, follow these steps:

Stop talking in a negative tone

“I always fail in love,” “I never manage to get the body I want,” or “My life is deep” are three examples of the many phrases we repeat to ourselves on a regular basis.

If you speak negatively in this way, you assure yourself that certain absurd thoughts are the truest truth.

Satisfied woman in the park

This is a real problem as it can make you either sabotage yourself or stop trying. It is very important to learn to silence a negative monologue.

Try to identify the moments when such negative sentences come to mind. As soon as you realize you’ve started sabotaging yourself, think of something positive.  Over time, it becomes easier.

Stop criticizing and judging others

Have you noticed how easy it is to criticize others? We do so because it gives us a certain sense of superiority and control. To be the best possible version of yourself, you need to remove all negative energy from your life. The first step towards this is to avoid judging others.

Give yourself a chance to get to know the people around you without prejudice or attempts to control them. Each of us is different, and good so. Everyone lives the way they want and you should do the same.

Stop fearing failure

One thing that prevents you from being the best version of yourself is the fear of failure. Maybe you really want something, but you don’t dare take the risk and put yourself in the league because you’re scared of failing. Thus, you decide to avoid risk and create for yourself the feeling that not everything in your life is right.

The most authentic are those people who know what they want and do things for it. The rest of the people are just content to receive what life gives them. Don’t be afraid of failures; mistakes are the best source of knowledge and growth.

Do what you want

This is greatly related to failures. If you spend your life running away from failures, you’ll probably end up doing things you wouldn’t want to do. Maybe you start studying something that doesn’t interest you, or you marry someone who doesn’t make you happy.

The best version of yourself comes up when you take risks to find yourself. Dream and do your best to make those dreams come true.

Happy woman on the beach

Finally, don’t try to be perfect for other people. It is impossible and the pursuit of this perfection will make you very unhappy. If you are going to please someone, please yourself.

Surround yourself with people who motivate you

Another way to be the best version of yourself is to surround yourself with people who make you better. When your friends and family speak in a positive tone and motivate you to reach your goal, your path will be easier to navigate and more rewarding.

If your friends or family are not the best company, look for other options. Don’t abandon your friends altogether, but give yourself permission to meet new people and create a good mind.

You can also look for people like a therapist or coach who can advise you to find the motivation you need.

Are you ready to be yourself?

As you can see, the path to being yourself is not the easiest in the world. But what separates success from failure is your own attitude.

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