Evil Lives Because Good People Don’t Work

Evil lives because good people don’t work

There are people who hold the flag of kindness high and are proud of their altruism. But their words turn out to be empty when they become inactive in witnessing “everyday” evil. Their inefficiency manifests as they turn away, close their mouths, and remain silent in the face of injustice and humiliation of other people.

One classic example of evil is the genocide of entire groups of people. We hear the word “evil” and think of people who violently take others dead. We think of a torturer or a terrorist who kills in the name of someone god. However, we must make it clear that evil deeds happen every day, every minute, all around us. They happen to our families and the people close to us.

Most of us don’t have the opportunity to save anyone from the war or violent situations we see every day on television and social media. Sometimes, however, we just have to look up from the screen to witness things that violate our perception of people.

And too often we are silent contributors to these events. When we do nothing but look the other way, when we swallow our discomfort and turn our attention to something else, then  we participate.

We talk about situations like bullying or hearing cries from a neighbor through walls. There the children cry and the spouses are beaten in silence. We are also talking about a neighbor who harms her pets, a mother who is malicious to her child on a school trip, and a supervisor who deprives and humiliates her employees.

Evil has many faces and forms, as well as ways to spread its power. However, the reason for its survival is clear:

a woman in the eye that a man washes

The origin of evil and the tolerance of evil

Arthur Conan Doyle used a very interesting term in his books when Sherlock Holmes encountered Professor James Moriarty. He described Moriarty suffering from “moral madness”. This expression actually sums up the image that many of us have: that only people who are sick or suffering from some kind of psychological disorder are able to do bad deeds.

It may be that as long as we can label another as morbid, we will find purpose in otherwise illogical or unexplained acts. However, as depressing as it sounds, it is not always a disease or disorder. In fact, most cases of horrific, destructive behavior are not associated with any antisocial personality disorder or illness.

Sometimes normal people do something bad because they were raised that way. They can be habits learned from a disturbed childhood. There may also be people who do not control their emotions and whose impulses and external influences incite them to do evil. There are also cases where the environment and conditions draw us toward evil like a stream.

Albert Ellis once explained that an evil “essence” or an evil gene does not exist, or at least it is very rare. The truth is that we are all capable of participating in evil given the moment and the circumstances.


Why do we remain silent in the face of injustice?

Returning to the title of this article. One reason for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. But why? Why don’t we work? What explains staying put, closing our eyes to the truth? Looking  anywhere else except where evil happens? Let’s take some common examples and consider them.

  • The first reason is simple. We tell ourselves that what we see has nothing to do with us. We are not responsible, we have not caused it, and the person suffering is not part of our group. The lack of emotional inclusion is definitely one of the main reasons for our inaction.
  • Another aspect relates to our need to maintain peace. For example, a teenager who proves harm to another student may end up in silence instead of speaking out loud. His passivity may be due to fear of confusing the existing balance. He may also fear that his social status will be jeopardized. Defending the victim may place him in a tight spot; then he could lose his position and maybe end up catching himself.

We know it’s not easy, especially if we have something to lose. . We must try to find new ways to defend people in need. As the philosopher Edmund Burke said, justice exists only because people fight injustice.

The importance of opening your eyes to everyday evil

We said it before and we say it again: evil comes in many forms and sizes. It can be subtle and it speaks many languages. Privilege, oral aggression, discrimination, rejection, injustice…

It is not a matter of us going in search of evil and suffering. It is simpler, more fundamental and more useful. We just have to open our eyes and be sensitive to what is happening right in front of us. Every day, in our own neighborhood. We are all responsible for stopping injustice, and there is no better place to start than at home.

bird painted in stone

Moral honesty is our daily duty.  It happens when we decide to do something. We condemn violation, assault, aggression or injustice. Giving kindness a real meaning. Let good voice be given to goodness.

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