Can A Single Be Happy?

Can a single be happy?

We have been manipulated into believing that a person is perfect only when he has found his “second half.” In fact, until recently, being single was resented. All of the family members to friends tried to introduce the singles to other singles they knew so he could get married and start his own family.

Currently, the situation is changing. Being single has come to be seen as a lifestyle choice instead of a sad and taboo subject. More and more people are choosing to be single. The number of singles and divorces is growing rapidly.

However, it makes a difference whether the single is voluntary or against their will. It is much easier for a person who has decided to stay single because he has no internal contradictions. He is happy with his situation. On the other hand, people who are singles despite looking for a partner feel very dissatisfied, frustrated, and powerless. These feelings may lead them to desperately seek out “something person” or to isolate themselves completely. Even if they are constantly searching, they will not find anyone to share their life with.

So is it possible to be happily single?  Can you be happy without someone sharing life with you? It all depends on your relationship with yourself. Let’s take a closer look at this.

Change your perspective

Whether or not the last resigned was your own decision, it doesn’t necessarily mean there was a problem or infidelity. We should not rush into another relationship. But if we are with someone and feel that we always have to be with them, we can develop an emotional addiction. Because of this, it is healthy to spend some time alone to learn to deal with what we have been through.

can a single be happy - yes you can

The existence of a boyfriend or girlfriend is not a requirement to live, just as being a single is not a punishment. We need to keep this in mind, despite conflicting messages from the media, movies, friends and even our families.

Being single is a great opportunity to get to know ourselves, get in touch with our feelings, and do all the things we put aside when we are in a relationship. Several studies have shown that being single can lead to a greater sense of freedom and a higher level of creativity.

In 2016, psychologist Bella DePaulo presented evidence that singles tend to have stronger autonomy. They seem to be capable of stronger personal growth than married people. This means that happy single is possible and has its own benefits.

Happy and sad single

Some days you are happy and others you feel miserable. There are weekends when you party and weekends when you just want to stay home watching TV shows or movies. It’s just life. Being single doesn’t mean you always have to walk around smiling like Hanko invented it, but it also doesn’t mean you have to always be depressed.

Most stereotypes cultivated by society declare continued 100% happiness to prove that “we don’t need anyone to feel whole.” This can make you feel more pressure. It is also unrealistic and leads to self-deception.

Since loneliness (and thus also solitude) is seen as an enemy of intimacy, it is important to find enough emotional balance to be a happy single despite having no one to share your time and sleep next to you.

friends over coffee

It’s normal for our moods to fluctuate, but we can’t blame ourselves for being single. It is important to connect with our own feelings and be open to what they are trying to show us. And most of all, whether they tell us or not that we need to be with someone right now.

Being alone does not mean imperfection

Social pressure can do tricks for us. We swear we are happy, but when we get home, we cry or are angry with ourselves because we are not married or have no children, as society expects.

Logical rationalization and years of psychological manipulation lead us to believe that we are imperfect if we are not married. But “finding” a partner does not guarantee happiness. We must not confuse the two. The dream of marriage, children, pets and a house is not always a dream come true. They don’t automatically make you happy. Happiness is not a feeling that can develop from the outside. It has to come from within.

single man on the couch

Enjoy being single

Being single is full of magical moments, so don’t worry so much about finding this other person who is supposed to complement you.

Use this time in your life to do what you want, strengthen your friendships, follow the career path of your dreams, excel at work, go on vacation, don’t worry about others ’plans, etc. There are a thousand reasons why you can be single and happy! The important thing is that you are a priority in your life. You are Plan A.

Single time should be used to connect with yourself, hone your gifts, and develop as a person. Decide not to prepare for anyone but for your own life! If a special person comes into your life, let him meet the best version of yourself. If that doesn’t happen, it won’t hurt. You can keep following yourself.

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