Turn Your Life Around … Start Being A Positive Yourself!

Turn your life around ... Start being a positive yourself!

What if from this day on you committed to changing some of your seemingly most insignificant ways? Maybe you start your day by setting a simple goal to be optimistic, positivity embodied, your intention to discuss only the positive aspects of your life and the events around us.

Does this sound too challenging? Possibly, given that we all tend to focus on negative things . “Have you noticed how very bad things are going?” “I simply can’t handle that person anymore, he makes my life impossible.” “Yes, I fully understand. It happens to me about every day and it just seems to get worse day after day! ”

Sometimes it seems that our problems and our daily tragedies join forces to create a diabolical spiral where , instead of reinforcing change and improvement, they degrade our reality. This is by no means healthy.

Talking about what makes us happy  doesn’t make us blue-eyed, let alone mean we don’t pay attention and recognize our existing problems. It is a change of attitude and the adoption of a more developmental point of view. This is the real positivity that might help us in our daily lives.

Positivity does not mean ignoring grief

Speaking in a positive tone is not the same thing as closing one’s eyes in grief. I take responsibility for my own reality. I understand the factors that have hurt me and despite that, I choose to face life face to face as strong and positive. In this way, I can live a healthier life and have a better impact on the lives of the people around me.

“Focusing on the good things” isn’t just a popular phrase for self-help. It’s about ideology, the daily support we give ourselves and that often acts as our lifeline, keeping us afloat. We’ve all been in tight situations, and maybe things aren’t going the way we want them right now. In any case, if we focus on the negative things in our daily lives, we will not be able to move out of its circle and move on.

Focusing on the positive and speaking positively improves us, as well as positively influencing the people around us. It is true, of course, that sometimes times are difficult and sometimes it seems even impossible to do things with honor. Nevertheless, it is better to just believe and trust that positivity is indeed a very healthy habit for both our body and mind. The pain can be terrible and the grief can grow within us to incredible proportions, but in negativity there is a dose of anger that really harms us.


How to focus on the positive in our daily lives

How can I focus my life in a positive and good-natured spotlight when I don’t really feel like it? It really isn’t that easy, so it’s important that you follow these simple tips:

1. Get into your sorrows and sorrows and pengo through them. Understand them and reveal their “shape”,  where they come from and how you can address them. If you are unable to resolve them and if your case is about loss, disappointment, fraud, or simply “goodbye,” then address the matter as soon as possible and most importantly:  get out of it, distance yourself from what you have experienced.

2. Eliminate negative conversations. We all know how to drive ourselves into almost obsessive thought patterns that make us think negatively, even fatally. Avoid this by all means; it is useless.

3. Create positive declarations.  Today is my day, today everything is going well and today I am going to feel great…

4. Replace negative statements with positive ones.  “I deserve the best” instead of saying “I am a failure”.

5. Focus on this moment. Don’t let your well-being depend on what’s going on tomorrow, let alone that “as soon as I get (fill in what you need) so then…” Don’t do it. Enjoy the moment, be happy here and now, and enjoy your daily dose of happiness.

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