Accept Others As They Are

I like people who accept others as they are, they don’t judge or criticize. I like it because they know their limits, and they know that while everything that shines is not gold, and  everyone has good qualities that should be celebrated.

This is the only thing that makes sense in this world that is full of imperfections. We all deserve caring and approval. Understanding and putting this into practice makes us better people, not only in the eyes of others, but also in our own.

Our ability to see similarities with the world is largely related to our own internal dialogue about other people. If we are able to understand the significance of other people’s behavior and recognize their positive qualities, we will shine a light that will help illuminate the path of our lives.

Boy and girl

Stop calling people toxic

More and more people are opposed to the idea of ​​using the word “toxic” for other people, referring to people with whom it is difficult to get along. While it’s an easy, clear, and universal way to describe what you mean, we should think carefully about how we categorize the people around us.

We can think that there are no toxic people, there are only people who have problems. These problems may affect us more or less, but calling them “toxic” does nothing more than add to the new layer of challenge associated with living with them.

The first person affected by the idea of ​​toxic people is the one who uses this term. Why? Because this “toxic person” could be himself, a relative, a parent, a child, or a friend. Also, fighting toxic people means you don’t accept them as they are.

Rather, the dualistic idea of ​​people as toxic / non-toxic can be dangerous because it suggests that other people are evil and everyone else is a victim. This prevents us from communicating with them responsibly, clearly and compassionately. This makes us run around insanely, without a goal. And this makes us run into the same emotional walls we try to avoid.

We all have adversities and gloomy sides; we are all human beings

People are either not acceptable or unacceptable. We are just people, in all our complexity. We are all acceptable to the extent that we strive to succeed ourselves and not stigmatize others for their faults.

Instead of criminalizing other people’s problems, or our own problems, perhaps we should learn to recognize, understand, and behave accordingly.

After all, people who accept others as they are are good at seeing through others, showing compassion, and reaching out a helping hand instead of being vindictive, aggressive, or defensive.

Cubic heads

We all know what it’s like to feel jealous, and how destructive it can be. Have we not all compared ourselves to others and felt some kind of happiness and pleasure from the mistakes of others?

It is human to feel that way, and it is human to act sometimes against our own values. Some people may be ridiculously jealous, and it may become a source of extreme suffering. As fellow human beings, we can help them get over it.

Of course, not all of us envy, manipulate, or lie all the time. But we all turn into these horrible toxic people sometimes. We all criticize ourselves and others, we are all selfish sometimes, and we all play victim.

We don’t like people who don’t help or accept others. But when we do that ourselves, we change precisely because we judge (ironically, right?).

Protect yourself if you need to, but don’t run away in horror from people who have problems or who have shown you their less positive side. Accept them as they are and try to resolve their suffering without criticism and condemnation.

If you don’t, you’ll become just the kind of person you’re trying to escape. Remember, we all have darkness within us. If you accept it, most of the darkness will disappear. Then, and only then, will you be able to appreciate the beauty in everyone around you.

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