How To Heal The Wounds Of Our Souls

How to heal the wounds of our souls

We are always in a hurry, too much in a hurry. We try to balance our stress and anxiety, which in turn only feeds a large amount of our responsibility and the pressure we carry on our shoulders.  And so over time, our burden just grows, and we don’t even notice it. And at the same time, we forget how important it is to heal our wounds.

All this makes us detach from our innermost being, from our souls. It is a break that is really negative and detrimental to us. Healing the wounds caused by this break is often really difficult. Keep reading to find the best cures for your soul.

We don’t realize that we live on autopilot, and this has even become a default in our way of life. Often we act and react impulsively without us terribly even thinking about things and without enjoying the activity we are doing ourselves. In this way, we have come to the conclusion that there are not enough hours in a day, or there are not enough minutes in an hour, and there is no time for our souls at all.

Don’t run, let your soul catch you

Before we explain further, let’s take a little trip to Africa, and consider the story that contains this message.

“A long, long time ago, an explorer ventured into one of the most rugged areas in Africa. Only his plaintiffs were with him. All of them carried large jungle knives to cut their way through the dense vegetation. The explorer had only one goal in mind: to get through the jungle quickly, to pay for what it cost.

If a river hit their way, they had to cross it in as short a time as possible. If there was a hill in front of them, they had to walk harder and faster so that they would not waste a single minute. Suddenly, however, the plaintiffs stopped.

The explorer was amazed as they had only walked for a few hours.

“Why did you stop? Are you already tired? We have only traveled for a few hours. ” He said.

One of the plaintiffs looked at him and replied,

“No, we’re not tired. But we have moved too fast and we have left our souls behind. Now we have to wait for our souls to catch us again. ”

a woman's hair disappears like ashes into the wind

Don’t ignore the pain

This is a beautiful African story that reflects the danger of being left behind when we are only interested in getting somewhere quickly. This will be our only goal. If we focus solely on the goal, it may shorten our journey. However, the time we lose for the benefit of our senses is the price we have to pay in the long run.

Sometimes we live our lives in a hurry, trying to ignore our pain. No matter how much we try to escape them or ignore them, they will never leave us and they will continue to limit us. We imagine that if we ignore them, they might disappear. In many cases, this could be the case, but in other cases, these wounds need other treatment.

We may need to disinfect our souls, or treat our wounds in some special way. Separating them requires emotional intelligence.

Wound healing takes time

Just as we ignore our emotional wounds, this does not prevent them from leaving traces on our brains. We actually have a tendency to drag on our childhood trauma, or other important emotional events that have left a mark on our lives all the way to our adulthood. If we don’t see what’s going on, or if we don’t stop to think about what’s going to solve it, wound healing becomes impossible. They will stay open.

All of our negative experiences leave a deep mark on the neurological level, and they continue to leak no matter how we try to ignore them. Being strong, in many cases, has nothing to do with biting teeth and moving forward in spite of everything. It has more to do with studying the cliff and how we can build a bridge to save ourselves.

We’re talking about having to look grief right in the eye to find out what it’s trying to tell us. Or we need to find ways to use the energy that comes from our negative feelings without harming anyone. We must also try to give a respite to our anxiety so that it can restore its normal pulse. In this way, its pulse beats at a frequency that helps us, and gives us courage, instead of continuing to eat us.

the bells depend on the tree

What is happening to our souls?

What happens to our souls when we don’t reflect on things as we should and when we continue to live as if nothing had happened? If our cliff is steep, then our ordinary leap is not big enough to cross it, and we end up curving into emptiness. In this way, we turn the difficulties we could have solved alone into really awkward difficulties with which we need help and more time to solve them.

woman in the desert

We need to learn to evaluate our emotions intelligently. All our emotions have a message for us, and we need intelligence to be able to interpret them. Our attitude must give us the opportunity to do so. If it doesn’t, we end up being surrounded by emotions that make us feel weird. We lose ourselves to the sea of ​​responsibility, we sweep our problems under the bottomless carpet.

Going forward is important, but more importantly, we don’t miss what happens along the way. We use time to ignore the pain of our souls. And time itself is the one that escapes our open wounds. Healing these wounds requires more love than ignorance.

Photos by Samantha Gross.

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