9 Secrets To Optimism

9 secrets to optimism

“Selective memory to remember good, logical deliberation so that the present is not ruined, and defiant optimism to face the future.”    

 -Isabel Allende-

Optimism is paramount in setting new goals and achieving them. It also allows us to adapt to the changes, worries, and stress in our lives.

Optimism brings us the self-confidence that is necessary to find the right solutions to the problems we face.  It’s a vital element to happiness, and that’s why I want to tell you today how you can incorporate a healthy dose of optimism into your daily life.

1 – Dream of an ideal life every day

Take a small moment each day to imagine what your ideal life would be like. However, this should not be done too much, or it can have a detrimental effect.

Do this for just a few minutes a day, but Imagine as many details as possible: how you would dress, how you would feel, where you would live, and with whom, etc. This exercise will help you think differently about who you are, what your opportunities are, and what your future looks like .

2 – Surround yourself with optimistic people

For the most part, we are a product of our environment. If you surround yourself with negative people, you have little chance of smiling. Stay away from negativity at all costs.

Try to find friends who are optimistic and will always remain your support. Optimism is a learned habit, so you need to find people who have already learned this habit and who can infect it with you as well.

3 – Focus on solutions, not problems

Some people go through life focusing on problems. Don’t be one of them. If you encounter a problem, give yourself time to analyze it, feel frustrated, and hesitate. Then prepare to find the best possible solution to the problem or a way to improve the situation.

When you stop thinking about the challenge and focus instead on the solution, you will feel in control of the situation and you will be able to see new opportunities. You will invariably find yourself more optimistic.

4 – Think about the bright aspects of the matter

It seems that optimists always get good experiences and are lucky. This can seem frustrating to those who follow this page.

What you may not have come to think of is that optimists know how to see the best of every thing and they try to make every moment as good as possible.

Think you’d like to lose weight, but manage to lose just one pound. It may feel like a very small weight loss and make you feel frustrated, but the optimistic person sees it as a small achievement and a sign that things are moving in the right direction.

The optimist knows that every small step is important on the path to success.

5 – Find people who inspire you

Optimists are not content with what they initially aimed for. They always go one step further and are always looking for something more.

One way to accomplish this is to look for someone who will inspire you. Try to find someone you can glorify and who will inspire you to give more. This way, when you would like to throw in the towel, you can think about what this person would do.

It could be a well-known athlete, a friend you admire, a teacher who has achieved something great, or anyone you want to choose.

6 – Recognize your achievements

It is very difficult for us to recognize our achievements in everyday life. Optimists know that they can always aim for new goals, but they also know how to identify things where they have already succeeded well.

At the end of the day, take a few minutes to think about what your accomplishments were today and congratulate yourself on them. This simple gesture will give you a greater sense of security, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

7 – Focus on things you can control

Pessimism springs from spending time thinking about things that have already happened and problems you can’t influence, instead of focusing on new opportunities.

Optimism is based on accepting things you can’t change and focusing instead on things you can control. If you don’t like your job, don’t think about all of its downsides, instead start looking for a job that would suit you.

8 – Keep your body healthy

Thanks to a healthy body, you can experience all the sensations to the fullest. It’s easier to stay optimistic when you’re healthy.

When you learn to control stress, follow a regular diet, sleep properly, drink enough water, and exercise regularly, you will become happier and more easily see the good things in life.

9 – Focus on the present

This is the last secret to optimism, and perhaps the most important of them: live in this day and age. What you did yesterday or what you will do tomorrow doesn’t matter if you don’t enjoy what you have today. An optimist can live in an instant and enjoy every second.

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