8 Bécquer’s Wonderful Expressions Of Love

8 Bécquer's wonderful expression of love

Bécquer will always be in fashion,  at least when it comes to emotions,  because love and other emotions are universal.  They simply transcend time and obstacles.

Sometimes, by reading just one verse from these so many poems devoted to emotions, love and life, we may find ourselves feeling more relaxed, happier, or more understanding.

This is because love and other feelings are a language we all understand equally, and why? Because who in their lives has not suffered for love? Whose heart is never broken? Who has not at one time felt lonely, miserable, and beaten?

Today we dedicate to you the best lines of love written by the faithful supporter of the human soul, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

  1. “Tell me, does the wind howl as it goes, or do your whispers tell me about love as it passes by?” Today, this saying may sound “cornish” to many’s ears. But the truth is, when we are in the early stages of falling in love, each of us becomes a bit cornish. Don’t you agree?  Think about the past and all the things you have said during these first moments, or how you have told a friend that you are in love.
  2. “I love you so much! Your love has left really deep footprints on my chest. ” Indeed, love can also hurt.  If we read these words of loneliness when no one sees, we think they express everything we feel. It doesn’t matter how many years have passed since these words were written.
  3. “You were the sea and I was a rock waiting for your wavy tide. You had to break me up or tear me away! It couldn’t be! ” There are times when love but cannot exist. Our differences, rather than complementing each other, only drive us farther and farther apart.  Eventually we become completely unknown to each other. The only task left then is to  remember the good times with a certain sense of nostalgia  and shed a small tear that shyly escapes the corner of the eye as we listen to music or read a statement like this on a sad day.
  4. “The sun could be covered for eternity. The sea could dry in an instant… But the flame of your love can never be extinguished inside me. ” Some loves are eternal. While time may roll, even if our lives may change.
  5. “You say you have a heart, but you only say that because you feel it beating. It is not the heart. It’s a machine that moves at a pace that keeps sound. ” When we are hurt, we are deeply hurt by someone of our choice, this is exactly how we feel… That they have no heart at all.
  6. “With imagination, someone can easily create an entire world from scratch.” Poets, writers, painters…  It’s amazing how they can create authentic works of art from scratch  and inspire the rest of the world. Don’t you agree? We invite you to listen to a beautiful song from Sting. Pay attention to the lyrics.

7. “Today is like yesterday. Tomorrow is like today. Always the same! ” When you feel sad and think that there is no solution to anything and that your life is the same every day, it is almost inevitable to fall into the vortex of thoughts like this. Get them out and when you are in a slightly more serene moment of life,  try to change your life and be happy!  This too will pass with time…

 8. “Loneliness is a beautiful thing when you have someone to talk to about it.” We all long for loneliness.  Enjoying your own time is awesome, away from the noise and worries. But it is also true that loneliness is enjoyable only when we choose to enjoy it for a while, not when we are forced to do so.

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