7 Toxic Behaviors That Push People Away

7 toxic behaviors that push people away

Just as we can develop behaviors that attract people, we can also develop toxic behaviors that push people away. In this article, we present 7 toxic patterns of behavior.

These toxic behaviors can negatively affect our relationships with family or friends. Therefore, we need to know and change the toxic behaviors that drive people away. In this case, we can take care of those we love and who do not threaten our support system.

Sometimes envy feeds these patterns of behavior. Envy is a negative emotion that can damage our relationships and affect our communication.

1. When you are jealous of other people’s success

The first toxic pattern of behavior we present is jealousy combined with the feeling that you yourself have not succeeded anywhere. If you notice this kind of behavior, it is best to stop comparing yourself to others.

It is true that comparison gives us valuable social information. For example, by comparing ourselves to others, we can see if we are the best or worst in class. Therefore, we can use the comparisons to our advantage. But if we are particularly prone to envy, comparing ourselves to others will not help at all.

7 toxic behaviors: envy

2. Taking criticism in person

It is not good to adopt a defensive attitude in which we attack others to defend ourselves from criticism. If you try to do so, you should calm down and try to shift the flow of words away from your ego. It is the ego that usually makes us take criticism as a personal attack.

Of course, this does not mean that we should adopt a passive attitude that is not affected by what others think of us. Instead, we should intelligently take advantage of other people’s views.

3. Sacrifice

Acting like a victim is also one of those toxic behaviors that push people away. This can happen when we feel that all the problems are affecting us. However, this only hinders our personal development.

4. Wrinkling in pain

Whenever we feel bad or suffer in some way, it is normal for these negative emotions to eventually go away. However, if we gather pain and resentment every time we go through a difficult situation, we will eventually become bitter and toxic people.

5. Uncontrolled emotions

People should always try to control their emotions. In this sense, a valuable first step is to notice that rage or seizures, as well as crying and teasing, push people away.

This only reflects the immaturity that makes others think we lack self-control. For this reason, we suggest that you use emotional intelligence. Listen to what others are saying about you and control your feelings.

7 toxic behaviors: shouting

6. Lack of empathy

Empathy is a very positive trait. By putting yourself in other people’s shoes, you can understand their problems. This will also improve your emotional intelligence.

Thus, empathy for others strengthens our ties to other people.

7. Disrespect for borders

We need to respect other people’s borders if we want them to respect us and our borders. When it comes to setting boundaries for another person, consider who you are interacting with. Their social environment may give us clues as to what they like and dislike.

For example, the Japanese and the Chinese keep a greater distance from others. On the other hand, people in the Mediterranean countries do not have as much uncertainty when it comes to making physical contacts or talking to other people.

We should build good relationships with other people and avoid these 7 toxic behaviors that drive people away from healthier and happier lives.

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