7 Tips To Increase Motivation

7 tips to increase motivation

Motivation is essential for us to achieve our goal. Motivation is the force that drives us to emerge from ourselves and to help us overcome obstacles, do our jobs, and successfully achieve what we want to achieve.

Motivation drives us in one direction or another, depending on our needs and goals. But the first step to success is will.

“Strength is not found in physical abilities. It is found in unwavering will. ”


When we are aware of what we want to do, motivation helps us maintain a balance that allows us to take the steps required to achieve our goal.

There are many types of motivation: work motivation, self-motivation, the ability to motivate others, etc. All of these types of motivation are quite similar to each other, and below we discuss some ways to increase motivation, whatever the type of motivation.

1. Be positive

Positivity is the best way to motivate yourself or any other person. It’s the best choice when you need strength in a weak moment to get ahead. Not everything is dancing with roses, and better so. However, staying positive forces us to see the positive sides of things and get over the negative sides. That is how we can move forward.

Instead of complaining or seeing only what we don’t like in that situation, we should try to focus on the positive things and what we can learn from that experience.

2. Commit

Your goals require commitment. Really. If you want something, you really have to commit to it: set yourself some time limit!

Usually we commit to things verbally, but we fail to bring that commitment into our actions. We return to our lazy and relaxed state, which can cause us to get frustrated when we don’t achieve what we want. Be serious about what you want. Take it seriously and commit to it!

3. Compete in a friendly way

When we talk about competition, it is often understood as a serious race where others have to be beaten at any cost. The most important thing is to be first, best of all. This is not what we mean in this case. We encourage you to a friendly race. Not one where you intend to be better than everyone else, but one where you see others as a source of inspiration and this forces you to evolve yourself. This is how you can achieve your goals.

It’s your goal, not anyone else’s. Just being first doesn’t mean you’re the best, because in this case, the comparison isn’t objective. Keep this in mind.

Use competition to support your motivation. Use it in a positive way. Competitive people often become selfish because they think that helping others impairs their own success, and they want to surpass everyone else. However, your goal should be to transcend yourself, not others. Only you and your goals matter. This should be clear.

4. Keep a diary

This doesn’t mean you should write down everything you’ve done during the day, but it’s a good idea to keep track of your progress and adversity. A diary will help you stay organized, be aware of the next steps required, and solve and resolve problems.

To get extra support for your motivation, you can also write down your goal and read it several times a day to keep it on top of your mind.

5. Visualize your goals

Visualizing the moment you reach your goal is key to achieving that goal in real life. What do you look like then? How do you feel then? This will help you stay strong and not give up so easily if you run into problems along the way.

6. Find your inspiration every day

Finding inspiration is very important so that your efforts really reward you. You don’t have to wait for inspiration to come before you – you can look for it yourself. Where from? From anywhere! Be receptive to finding your inspiration for any thing, place or event… enjoy it.

7. Reward yourself

Everything doesn’t have to be just work, work and work. When you reach one of your goals or when you get over an obstacle that helps you get closer to your goal, give yourself a break and reward yourself in some way. You can take a relaxing break, buy yourself something you have long wanted, go on a little vacation, or whatever you want yourself. You should reward yourself for the little things you achieve. Why? So that your motivation does not wither, and so that you stay active and strong.

These are the steps we should take to stay motivated or to motivate other people. There are many possibilities, and depending on the individual personality of each, some of these means work better than others.

What would you add to this list? Would you omit any of these points yourself? What do you think works best for you?

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