7 Reasons Not To Give Up

7 reasons not to give up

Sometimes you feel that all your efforts are completely in vain or that no matter how hard you push the work ahead of your goals, you will not achieve your goal. On days like these, you would want to leave all this behind and dedicate your life to someone completely different.

Maybe just today is one of those days or moments! But you must not give in to the temptation to surrender to take power over you. In these moments, it may seem like your goal is too far away to be worth the effort. However, this is not true. You have to give your all as you fight for this issue. Don’t settle for less.

Here are the best reasons why you shouldn’t give up:

1. You can always start over

You’ve tried recently, but if your business has failed, don’t worry. This has happened to all of us. Most importantly, you don’t give in to the temptation to surrender to take over from you. There is no reason to give up so easily. As long as you are alive, you have the opportunity to start over and try again. The best thing about starting again is that you already have an idea of ​​the mistakes you should avoid, and you can use this to your advantage.

2. You get more experience

We all constantly make mistakes. This is natural, healthy and good for you if you know how to make the most of them. Instead of getting frustrated, look for the reasons that led to your mistake. An error allows a change.

3. Examples can inspire you

There are many people who have gotten over the difficulties and turned them into profits. Here are three such people:

JK Rowling.  Harry Potter’s story came to his mind on a train journey from Manchester to London. It was relatively difficult for him to get his first book published. However, he did not give up and eventually succeeded with the help of a small publishing house. We all know what happened after the first book was published!

Sheryl Crow. In 2006, already a famous artist, he fought cancer and won the battle. He did not give up. He went on with his life, adopted two children, and managed to get his life back on track so well that it could be said that the illness only strengthened him.

Madonna.  I can’t tell you very much about Madonna that wouldn’t already be public information, but the most inspiring thing about her is her perseverance, self-confidence, and unyieldingness. We know there have been several pop princesses in public, but Madonna is still the only pop queen.

4. You can overcome all challenges

These people didn’t let anything discourage them until they had achieved their dreams. They overcame all adversity. You can do this too. These people have shown us the way and that we can do the same. Find and focus on examples that best relate to you and your own desires. They’ve already cleared a career for us, so you can follow in their footsteps too.

You have to believe in yourself. Believe in your strengths and abilities and let it show. You need to believe in what you have in mind and you need to start acting now. Any mistakes you may have left behind are no longer relevant. You are stronger than them.

5. The support (or lack thereof) of others can motivate you

If your friends and family support you, that’s great. But if that’s not the case, if you’re surrounded by people who don’t think you could achieve your goal, people who always pay attention to your mistakes and try to get you to surrender, you have to use this to motivate yourself. So we must not give up, even if we do not have the support of those close to us: we must achieve our goal against all other expectations.

Use the negative energy created by these people to your advantage and look for ways to turn it into positive. The more challenges you find in front of you, the stronger you become and the bigger you wanted to fight.

6. You deserve it

Whatever you plan for yourself, you deserve it. However, nothing comes to you but magic. You have to work in front of it until you reach it.  This is your reward. When you achieve what you are aiming for, you will feel good and everything around you will change. You will make a positive change to your environment and the world, even if you yourself believe that what you do does not matter.

7. You will inspire others

You will serve as a source of inspiration for many other people. The kind of person who was just about to give up, just like you were. But when he sees you, he decides to fight and try again.

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