5 Ways To Protect Your Self-esteem

5 Ways to Protect Your Self-Esteem

In many cases, we tend to underestimate the importance of our self-esteem without even realizing we are doing so. However, there are some simple ways you can follow to prevent your self-esteem from crumbling. Think of these tips as some kind of important guide you can follow to live a joyful and fulfilling life.

But self-esteem is not a matter of course; it must be achieved.

-Nathaniel Branden-

1. Respect yourself

Self-esteem is the key to stronger self-esteem. But how can we respect ourselves more? First, we need to identify our needs and values and be able to meet them. We cannot always stay in the background and be content with the fact that the needs of others are always more important in our lives and that they must be met before our own needs. However, if we do not know how to satisfy our own needs, we will probably do poorly in meeting the needs of other people as well.

Express your feelings  and don’t feel guilty about doing it. Showing your hatred for someone or something doesn’t make you a bad person. Appreciate all the qualities in yourself that make you feel proud.  Ponder their importance in your life regularly; you will find that it produces results.

2. Practice acceptance

Self-acceptance is very important if you really want to live your life to the fullest. If a person does not do so, one can kind of say that he  is living a lie.

The woman takes a deep breath

Your life must be unique and completely in your own hands. Don’t try to be like everyone else. Maybe you constantly compare yourself to others and others look perfect in your eyes, but are they really? Learn to love your own life and accept yourself as you are. Only in this way will you be able to live happily and harmoniously.

3. Identify your error

If you are unable to recognize the mistakes you have made, you will live your whole life, making excuses  after another. The only thing that follows from this is the huge energy consumption.

Learn from your mistakes! Look directly at the mistake you made and the excuses you came up with and take responsibility for everything.  Where went wrong? What happened? Don’t shirk responsibility by inventing a new set of excuses. Take advantage of this moment to learn and develop as a person. Mistakes do not make us weak or vulnerable. Actually, the opposite is true! They make us stronger and help us better prepare for future mistakes.

4. Be careful about self-criticism

Being critical of yourself may not always be a bad thing, but remember to be careful! Sometimes a small critical voice living inside you can be loud enough to destroy you. Therefore, you must destroy it first.

When our critical voice is negative and does not encourage in any way, it stops us from making progress and we are in danger of being left in the pitfalls.

“I will never be able to do this right .” Our critical voice whispers this phrase over and over again somewhere in our minds. When it starts whispering again, ask yourself, “And how would I know I would ever succeed here? Have I even tried to succeed? Am I failing?  “Sometimes we have to end up with a problem situation more than once before we finally learn and understand it. If you really want something, you have to work hard to achieve it. So suppress that toxic sound.

“I’m worse than those others.” No one is better or worse than someone else –  we are all just different! It is therefore best to look at how we could complement each other or help each other achieve our own goals. Never compare yourself to other people. Learn and work hard and dare to be yourself. You are incredibly unique and unique – different, just like everyone else.

“They don’t like me.”  Are you absolutely sure now? Have you even asked them that? Maybe you misunderstood the signals coming from them. And even if they don’t like you, what then? It’s not the end of the world, is it?

5. Do not rely on outside approval

One fairly common mistake is that we seek  other people’s approval for  what we do.  However, this is just a good example of deep uncertainty.

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Don’t try to satisfy the needs of others or please them. If you have a dissenting opinion, let it be heard! Keep in mind that if others don’t agree with your opinion, it’s their business and you don’t have to ask for their permission for your own opinion.

Be firm about your decisions and also about how you behave and think.  Others will never completely agree with you, so think about it and dare to be yourself!

Seeking the approval of others and thinking that we are no better than anyone else, making excuses for ourselves about that, not expressing our right opinions and thoughts… sounds like quite familiar behavior, right? We hope this helps you and that it has a positive impact on your life, taking you exactly where you want to go. On this journey, it’s just you, and no one else!

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