5 Ways To Leave To Be Yourself

5 ways you have to leave to be yourself

At the beginning of each new year, we set ourselves goals. We then go through our personal habits that we would like to change. And at the end of this reflection, we set ourselves goals that may relate to, for example, our work, our family, our education, our health, and so on.

We swear that we leave behind negative habits, ones that we have identified as slow – larger or smaller – that push us further away from a goal, a dream, or an optimal state.

If we have been doing this for several decades, these goals may bring with them a touch of pessimism, stemming from our pertinent attention that we have not done the same in previous years and have not achieved some of these goals.

However, we should not confuse this pessimism with the idea that we have no control over our own lives. We may have the feeling that our boat is now drifting where it wants with the wind and current, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have any impact on its course. Nor does it mean that the past is a good predictor of the future; even if we have tried once, twice, three times, four times, etc. without success, does not mean that we could not succeed next time.

To get everyone a little closer to achieving our dreams, let’s discuss today the five ways we need to leave behind to be the best versions of ourselves.

1. Stop punishing yourself for what you could not achieve

Time will heal all your wounds, but it can also make the end of the opportunity to experience what you desire, your dreams, and your goals. Life is precious because it teaches us to adapt all the time. Unexpected surprises can lead us to become better people and cope with challenges.

Anxious girl

We must accept that we cannot take care of everything and that we are partly dependent on the universe We are not superheroes and even if we are masters of our own destiny, this does not mean that we have to be overly strict in judging ourselves and forget that there are many circumstances that affect us. We cannot control everything .

Love, unpredictable situations, and surprises happen for a reason. If you were unable to complete your action plan, admit that you have the gift of imperfection . Believe that this is one of the best virtues and ways we can enjoy because it allows us to appreciate the beauty of life.

2. Stop wanting constant praise from the people around you

We humans are, without a doubt, social beings, suggesting sharing and learning from our environment and the people we love. Their trust guides us along the path we have taken, but if we continue to rely on it, it will be harder for us to be ourselves.

Relying on the opinions of others in all our own decisions pushes us further away from our own inner voice.  This prevents us from moving forward and giving the best of ourselves to life. We develop our own inner voice by trusting ourselves.

Trust yourself and listen to the numerous things your heart has to say, a heart that knows you perfectly and knows your virtues. Remember, if you made a mistake, it’s kind of completely natural. This is why we are human, because we are unique and priceless. Herein lies the greatness of our souls, as they learn from our mistakes and continue to trust.

3. Take off the false masks that protect you

In this new phase of your life, first of all, evaluate yourself, stop and observe yourself from different actions. Remember, our greatness lies precisely in the possibility that we can be unique and priceless, imperfect, and wise all at once.

Create and build a strength that exudes from you, not one that protects you as one of your fundamental ways. You don’t need anything to defend yourself because even your weakest points can grow. Start being yourself.

4. Get rid of all the negative things that have happened

Investigate and affirm your own virtues, respecting what you think are flaws or shortcomings,  and don’t forget that these make you exactly who you are. Many people have appeared in your life, giving it value. Understand how lucky you are to be able to enjoy the company of people you trust.

Birds to freedom

Understand that there is a good side to everything, just about everything, even the most negative event:  accept and value the lesson that has emerged. All those difficult times that might bring out uncomfortable feelings: accept them. You were lucky enough to learn from them and be alive to enjoy them.

5. Don’t stick to the thoughts that make you doubt yourself

As such special people as we are, we have a duty to fulfill our own destiny, to be the rulers of our own destiny. This task draws strength from the inner wisdom that everything depends on us and we can choose what actions to do along our own life path.

Doubting your own courage will only lead you to be pessimistic and feel overwhelmed, even before you move into action toward the goals you set. You have everything you can need within you, and you are lucky enough to possess those special qualities that only you have the power to awaken and use to be yourself.

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