5 Ways To Good Mental Health

5 Ways to Good Mental Health

When we buy new clothes, change our hairstyles, laugh with our friends, play sports or meditate, our attitude changes. We feel more positive, enthusiastic and creative. Our mental health can be improved with daily little things  and they help us take a different perspective on life and feel better.

Mental health is about how we can handle our emotions as well as possible so that we can feel good and have a better attitude. Both positive (love, joy, hope, good wind) and negative (anger, anger, jealousy, guilt, envy). A mentally healthy person is one who has learned to understand and accept himself  and looks at life with a smile.

Traditionally, we have been taught to act sensibly without giving too much weight to emotions during our personal development. To some extent, we associate showing emotions even as a sign of weakness.

However, numerous scientific studies show the  effect of emotions on our behavior at the physiological, psychological, and behavioral levels. That’s why we suggest different techniques so you can improve your mental health and feel better.

1. Remember the good things you have and do what you like

When pessimism overwhelms us, we are unable to remember all the good things we have. Instead, our past feels like a giant shadow. For this reason,  we suggest that you write down on paper all the good things you have,  whatever they may be. You have good friends, you are sociable, you know how to listen, you know how to draw. Every time negative thoughts start to take over your mind, read through that list and remind yourself how unique and special you are.

A woman is reading a book

The whirlpools of our daily lives envelop us in many everyday chores that make us forget what we like. If you like going to the movies, set aside time for it every week and go watch any movie that looks good. If you enjoy cycling, take a bike ride around town. If you enjoy reading, read the book before going to bed and enjoy. It’s simply about finding time to do what we like. It’s possible, isn’t it?

2. Learn to communicate and accept yourself

It can be very difficult for us to express our feelings in certain situations as well as say what we think. But in order to be happy with ourselves, we need to  communicate properly and respectfully with other people,  express our feelings empathetically,  and learn to say “no” when necessary.

We need to accept ourselves with all our shortcomings in order to be able to react to certain situations and manage our emotions in a healthy way. Accept who you are and your change will begin.

3. Stay active and live in the present moment

Staying active, both physically and intellectually, helps our emotional health. People who keep their brains lively and active feel better because they don’t let laziness take over them. In addition to mental activity, it is also necessary to engage in physical activity, and therefore it is good for you to walk, run, ride a bike, go to the gym, shape doesn’t matter as long as you move!


Have you ever stopped to think about how many times each day you take care of things past or future? We can’t change the past and we don’t know what the future will bring,  and therefore it doesn’t make much sense to be worried about either. The most important thing is to live in the present moment.

4. Relax and surround yourself with positive people

Well sleeping and relaxing are very important to our health, both physical and mental. They give us rest and well-being. Make sure you go to bed at the same time each day and do things that relax you; set aside time for daily relaxation or meditation.


The energy that positive people in our lives transmit to us is really important. Try to move away from people who are stressing you or who have a pessimistic attitude and  move closer to those who value you and can remind you of all the good things life has to offer. 

5. Seek help if you need it

If you need professional help, don’t hesitate to seek it. An expert who listens to us and gives us support may be needed  in certain situations so that we can contribute to our personal development.

Don’t be afraid to turn to someone who listens to you and makes you see things from a different perspective. It’s about learning about our spiritual growth and mistakes, loving ourselves more every day.

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