5 Tips On How To Be A More Patient Parent

5 tips on how to be a more patient parent

In general, patience is not the strongest skill of modern parents.  The stress to which we are exposed, the competitive spirit of our environment, the hurry, the high expectations placed on ourselves and our children, and the uncertainty of what the future will bring when it comes; this all makes us nervous.

If we add to this the fact that children are by definition annoying to the mind of an adult, then we are facing a situation that is quite difficult to control, though not impossible. Kids can make us “crazy,” but that’s part of their nature. However, allowing yourself to get caught up in it and lose control is completely up to you as a parent.

Maintaining control is a key factor in becoming a more patient parent. Management – or rather self-control – helps you set boundaries to manage circumstances, understand your child, and make smarter decisions.

But to be completely honest, this is difficult. The children challenge the patience of their parents in a fight to find out which one will survive as the winner. And  if you lose control, you lose the whole game. It is in your hands whether you can maintain your own place on the scoreboard.

1. Take a break

When you are tired, you need some time to charge your battery. Tired, you are not in the right conditions to make healthy, smart and sensible decisions. Any strong emotion will block your thoughts. 

Calm woman

Therefore, don’t make decisions when you’re tired, and don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the situation.  Your children should understand that you are tired and that you need a moment of peace in your own peace. Also, don’t try to portray the role of mother or father during these moments. For example, don’t check homework or try to control anything. Wait until you are rested.

2. Count to ten and start over

If the situation gets out of hand with your children and you lose your temper, count to ten and take a deep breath. You need to “restart” your mind again.  You cannot continue in this state. You can also ask your child for “extra time,” during which you will both go apart for a while before continuing. You need to calm down.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, consciously. Do this several times, counting to ten. This type of breathing helps you calm down. You probably sigh deeply due to prolonged exhalation and this is a natural way to help us get rid of stress.

3. Be patient with yourself

Sometimes as parents we demand too much of ourselves and want to be perfect. This puts pressure on us and when we find that we are failing, we become even more irritated and alarmed. We get angry at ourselves when we are not what we want to be or because we don’t know how to handle the situation.

But you too are just human. If you recognize your own limitations, you will also find ways to take them over. And you can apply this same trick to a relationship with your children.  Be more patient with yourself to be more patient with your children.

4. Don’t behave like a child

Father and son shout

Children do not have the ability to make sense of things. They don’t have the same self-control as we adults do. And you know this. Behaving like a child doesn’t put you any closer to the ability to understand things the way they do, and it doesn’t help you yourself to become better understood.

Embrace your own role as an adult, your role as a parent, redefine your own perception of discipline. Children are illogical, but you have to act differently. And if you can’t, you have to learn.

5. Practice patient behavior patterns

Over time, many parents have become accustomed to losing their temper because they don’t know how to talk in any other way. If this is the case for you, you just have to practice. Imagine certain moments and put yourself in this situation, analyze past moments and think about how you could have done things differently.

Consider what triggers the loss of your own control, and don’t consider losing your patience as a possible option for how to act. Instead, imagine how the situation would progress as you hold on to your self-control, both in control of the situation and your emotions. You need to teach your own brain to trigger exactly the reactions you want yourself to.

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