5 Signs That You Are Mentally Poisoned

5 signs that you are mentally poisoned

Mental poisoning occurs when personal conflicts and emotions directly affect our physical and psychological well-being. Mental poisoning manifests as symptoms such as irritability, depression, mental imbalance, and fatigue.

While many things can trigger a mentally poisoned state, the fundamental reason for this is that we don’t have enough time to develop our inner lives.

How do I know I am mentally poisoned?

It is possible that you are mentally poisoned without your knowledge. To find out this, you need to observe all your habits – the kind of things you do, even if they are bad for you.

If you notice one or more of these habits, it may be that you are mentally poisoned.

1 – You are on the defensive

A person who is mentally poisoned defends himself without interruption and takes the actions and sayings of others as attacks on himself.

When you are mentally poisoned, your insecurities dominate your life. You react more sensitively to things and also defend yourself more often. Your self-esteem is really low and you may be hurt by even the smallest things.

You ignore the positive things and focus on the negative things instead. This often causes you to modify the words or actions of others, to which you then react aggressively to defend yourself from possible resentment from which your feelings are trying to protect you.

A drop of water

2 – You are too critical

When a person is mentally poisoned, he sets himself a lot of boundaries and criteria. Such a person is too harsh on himself as well as other people.

If you are mentally poisoned, it is very likely that you would like everything to be under your control, and for that reason you are really demanding of yourself and not slipping a drop of your demands. Try to be more benevolent to both yourself and other people.

The girl hugs a bird

3 – You feel almost nothing

When we are mentally poisoned, we often pull curtains in front of our emotions to protect ourselves from our own feelings.

For this reason, when a person experiences a large emotional surge, his or her vitality may dim or go out completely. When your feelings are extinguished, you feel like you are in no way able to bring your life back to life.

When our brains are full of emotions, we are unable to think or function clearly and effectively.

Sad girl

4 – You are aggressive towards others

Mentally poisoned people can become aggressive and dangerous. Because of the dam of emotions, they do not react clearly or they are not able to face the people around them in a rational way. In addition to this, they may find it difficult to feel empathy for other people.

Such outward aggression is most often due to the fact that mentally poisoned people have condemned themselves and feel guilty. They reflect their fears and frustrations on others, trying in this way to escape their feelings and get to freedom.

Woman in pain

5 – You sabotaged yourself

It can be difficult for a mentally poisoned person to go through life. Such people fear success because they are unable to accept uncertainty. Mentally poisoned people do not believe that they will be able to control what the future will bring when it comes.

Such people have a need to ensure all things over and over again. If you are mentally poisoned, keep in mind that there is only one person in this world who can stop you from getting high, and that is you.

The big key with a woman

What can I do if I am mentally poisoned?

We need time to purify ourselves spiritually. This is exactly the same thing as if you had been drinking too much alcohol and now suffering from a hangover. A mental hangover causes guilt, constant anger, difficulty sleeping, and sadness.

But don’t worry, once you recognize your behavior and feelings, the healing process has already begun. Once you are aware of this, you can leave behind the “glutton” of negative emotions you met and this is how the much needed mental cleansing process can begin. The symptoms disappear and your feelings return to the right scale in terms of reality.

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