5 Sentences About Toltec Wisdom To Inspire You

5 sentences about Toltec wisdom to inspire you

The wisdoms of the Toltecs bring us magical glimpses into a civilization that continues to inspire us. Its worldview, mythology, and legends continue to create eternal interest in the people of the Nahuatl tribe and their secrets, and new books on the subject are now constantly appearing. These books bring us a little closer to that fascinating past.

An interesting work called “Quetzalcoatl and the creation myths of Mesoamerica” (not known in Finnish) tells how the Toltecs created a very sophisticated culture. Although they had a hierarchical military system and were warriors, their anthropological, mystical, and cultural footprint left their mark on Mesoamerica.

On the other hand, it also said that the Toltecs reached the highest level of Toltecayotl. This concept represented a respectful life in balance and the pursuit of the Huēhuehtlahtōll of ancient wisdom , rules that had been passed down orally from generation to generation.

When there was Hinduism or Buddhism in the Old World, there was Toltecayotl philosophy, hereditary wisdom, and religion in ancient Mexico that offers true Toltec wisdom. As a result, we were left with these amazing sentences…

mexican painting

Wise sentences from the Toltecs

Most of these wisdom from small example highlights many books, including “The Toltec art of life and death”, “The Toltec Path”, “The Quetzalcoatl universe”, “Toltecayotl” and Miguel Ruiz’s “The Four Agreements”  (works is not known to have translated ). It is interesting to dive into these books to get a much broader view of this culture, which plays an important part in the history of mankind.

1. Genuine commitment

This sentence is known because it appears in the book “The 4 agreements”. The life doctrine it offers is undoubtedly great and very useful. Let’s think about this moment: Do we really give 100 percent of ourselves to everything we do?

Not always. Sometimes, on the other hand, you could say that we give even much more, up to 120 percent. And this is not so positive, as this sinks us into unnecessary exhaustion and fatigue. That’s why it’s a good idea to try to adapt our resources, be aware of them, and offer our best, no more, no less.

2. Fear paralyzes

The Toltecs were one of the bravest and most dominant peoples, eventually covering an area that stretched from the present-day state of Zacatecas in northern Mexico to the Yucatan-named country in the southeastern part of the country. It is said that the Aztecs envied them deeply, but the Toltecs had two clear principles dictated by the Toltecayotl philosophy: one must not be jealous, nor be fearful.

Both of these qualities make people deaf and blind. They do not help to achieve anything, but instead only reduce people’s abilities and strengths.


3. Words have power

This is one of the most famous Wisdom of the Toltecs, reminding us that words have power. Words are creative, they connect things, nourish, create bonds, and convey information. However, we must not forget that nothing does more harm than a poorly chosen word, or a word that is inadvertently uttered to the person in front of you.

Let’s take advantage of what ultimately makes us human: language. Let us be careful what we let out of our mouths, for sometimes these words do not go through the filters of our brains and hearts…

4. Internal knowledge and freedom

Freedom in reality means that we try to be faithful to ourselves. Nevertheless, we often limit ourselves to act as warriors without a specific target. We get excited without understanding our true nature or the nature around us.

So sometimes it would be necessary to embrace an artist’s lifestyle: someone who wants to understand the elements around them, the raw materials, and also their inner world. Thus, only when these two dimensions are brought together can we create the most beautiful work of art.

5. Do not take anything in person

One way or another, we’ve all taken words, attitudes, or situations in person. We have also all suffered because of it and we may have even had easy catches by falling for manipulating others and playing games. Is the dynamics of suffering really worth letting us lead?

Apparently not. The Toltecs, as we have mentioned above, praised the principle of freedom. Nothing stifles us more than paying attention to what others are saying or doing. Let us strive to be responsible for ourselves, which means we need to know how to separate our own universe from the universes of others, inspired by loving ourselves.

Finally, as we can see, none of these wise sentences from the Toltecs are outdated, and not strange to us. Vice versa. Toltecayotl’s philosophical principles continue to be useful and inspiring to us. Let’s keep them in mind and make them our own.

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