5 Mental Benefits Of Physical Activity

5 Mental Benefits Of Physical Activity

Physical activity helps us keep ourselves in good shape and prevent all kinds of diseases. Regular exercise is a great way to clarify your mind, make better decisions, and feel better.

We are used to thinking that mind and body are two clearly independent entities that have little to do with each other.  But that is not the case. Body and mind shape each other and work together. They are no different at all. In fact, their cooperation is essential to our health.

Researchers have found that  exercise has a huge impact on our emotions and how we learn, regardless of our age or health status. Many mental health problems can be managed and treated with sports and exercise. Let’s take a closer look at some of these benefits.

1. Physical activity improves self-esteem

How is it possible that physical activity affects something both internal and self-esteem? The reason is that by doing things that take care of our bodies and experimenting with our limits, we begin  to see ourselves in a more positive way. 

regular exercise raises self-esteem

2. It activates the chemical of happiness

One of the effects of physical activity on the brain is the activation of endorphin production. Endorphin is a chemical that acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. Its job is to reduce physical pain (almost like medicine) and at the same time create a sense of happiness.

For this reason,  physical activity is highly recommended for those who suffer from symptoms of depression or feeling depressed. In fact, exercising for 15-20 minutes is extremely helpful when we feel sad.

3. It reduces stress and anxiety

Physical activity is a great way to reduce muscle tension, which has a significant effect on stress. In one way, it acts as a delusion that calms us and reduces anxiety. On the other hand, the entertaining side of exercise and sports releases a lot of mental excitement.

man in the gym

Physical activity also helps in the process of reabsorption of cortisol (also known as “stress hormone”). When we are scared, anxious, or out of our minds, we have a significant amount of cortisol in our body. When we do physical exercises, our bodies process hormones, and stress levels drop.

4. It protects us from cognitive impairment

Not only do sports and physical activity have an awesome effect on our mood, but they also have an effect on our cognitive abilities. Regular physical activity increases  the amount of many chemicals in the brain. These substances prevent certain neurons from degenerating in the cerebral edema. 

In other words,  exercise helps our brains stay well-functioning as we age. People who are less mobile are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease as they get older.

5. It helps us manage our addictions

Studies show that exercise is a good motivator for those who want to quit smoking. In addition to helping to restore lung capacity, it also helps minimize withdrawal symptoms.

regular exercise makes you happier

These are just a few of the many special mental benefits of exercise. As you can see, you don’t have to become a professional athlete. Just try to aim for 15-20 minutes of exercise daily. If that’s not possible, try half an hour of exercise three times a week. We’re sure it won’t even take time when you notice its results.

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