5 Keys To A Good Relationship

5 keys to a good relationship

Creating a good relationship is not always easy. In fact, a large portion of us are so tightly stuck in our own daily lives and routines that we don’t even have the time or opportunity to think about the whole thing. The truth is that before we can think about finding new love, we must first know how to love ourselves.

It is very unusual for a relationship to originate from conflict or negative experiences, and that is why we start from the assumption that everything starts with a good starting point. In this sense, at the beginning of the game, the ball is in our own head.

We live in a constant vortex of emotions where relationships are born and die. So what can we do to create a good relationship? Below are some basic principles that should not be forgotten under any circumstances:

1. We are not one, but two.

Did you know that it is completely useless to try to find your own other half? Instead, look for a whole, intact person. A relationship should be about two separate people who share their lives and support each other in every respect and in every way.

2. Communication is the key to everything.

Pay attention to what your partner is saying and give something back as well. Try to find a common tone on a thought level.

In this time of technology, many of us are used to communicating mainly through instant messaging or social media. This has caused new kinds of challenges and even damage to relationships. It has created the need for constant communication and being accessible. This in turn leads to routine, empty, and Passionate communication, which can also cause a variety of misunderstandings and undermine trust between the couple.

3. Let go of the past.

We have all gone through experiences in our past – both good and bad – that affect this moment. Forgive yourself, and let go of the negative thoughts they cause. The past is gone, let things be and stop comparing the present to the past.

From time to time we should stop to go through our own “burden,” and throw away everything unnecessary – all unnecessary negative. In order to be as aware as possible of what we are doing, it is important to do this on a regular basis so that we do not carry with us carry-ons of journeys that have already ended in vain.

4. Use the right words, and mean them.

There are no heart-opening magic words in love. Communicating in a functional relationship is not so much about reading love poems, but about mutual understanding and caring. Don’t let everyday life and routines drown everything. When you say “I love you,” you should sincerely mean this, and it should not be just an everyday saying.

Nor must we give power to hatred or stop respecting the other – this is paramount. Nothing or anyone ever justifies aggressive behavior towards a loved one.

5. Do to another as you would like a task for yourself, and speak from your heart. 

Openness, generosity, and sincerity speak of togetherness, love, and consideration for the other. Show your interest and do your best to make your partner laugh, and you’re sure to get the same amount back.

These five keys will help you build a strong and healthy foundation for your relationship. Keep your goal in mind, and don’t forget the following truth told by Robert Holden:

Photos: Pavinee Chareonpanich

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