5 Chinese Proverbs About Love

5 Chinese proverbs about love

It is interesting how a country like China, always corrupted by wars, dictatorships and conflicts, is known for its abundant wisdom. So  today we are dealing with Chinese proverbs about love.

Chinese proverbs are not just about love, romance and relationships. Their purpose is to find purpose in life, to find wisdom, or to explain human behavior. However, there are some examples that touch the heart and are really beautiful. Let’s see.

The most beautiful Chinese Proverbs about love

the rain wets the heart balloon

“People take care of their hair every day, but why not their hearts?”

This is perhaps the simplest, but also the most symbolic of the Chinese proverbs about romantic love. In general, it is easy for us to look in the mirror and look good. We dress in stylish clothes, clean our hair and put the best smile on our faces.

It’s not hard to look good. In fact, every day more and more people spend hours in front of a mirror trying to look better. But  what if we spent half of that time caring for our hearts?

Have you ever wondered how your life might change if you focused less time on improving your physical appearance, and instead focused more time on your relationships? I would say that the wisdom and intelligence of this Chinese proverb lies precisely here:  it invites people to focus more on the care of their inner world, and less on their physical appearance.

“Lasting emotions lead to lasting consequences.”

Life passes us by at a rapid pace. We are constantly exposed to a large amount of information and stimuli. But  there is one thing that never changes: love. The deeper the love, the deeper its consequences. This is one of the most beautiful of Chinese proverbs, as it points to the good consequences of our feelings.

This can be tricky as we live in a society of short moments and immediate gratification. The culture in which we buy things and throw them away is in vogue. This is why that proverb is so helpful, as longevity is much more favorable in most cases, including in emotional areas.

“The heart never speaks, but you have to listen to it to understand.”

It is true that our hearts cannot speak, but for a good listener, only a few words are enough. It is sometimes difficult for us to allow our emotions to lead us. Nevertheless, sometimes it is necessary to be less rational as well as open the nodes of logic.

This proverb really makes sense. Explaining emotions in words is not always easy  and sometimes it is easier to let our emotions lead us. If we constantly use logical ways of thinking, we will lose an important part of ourselves.

a heart made of yarn comes after the girl

“Love cannot be begged, it must be earned.”

When we have to ask for something related to our feelings, we may misunderstand something. You can’t go to someone and ask them to love you  because the more likely you are to fail in your business. But if you make yourself one who deserves love, the chances increase dramatically.

“He who fears suffering is already suffering from fear.”

The last Chinese proverb is not exactly about love, but it is closely related to it. How many people do you know who are afraid to start a new relationship because they are afraid of pain and suffering? This wise proverb makes it very clear. J os afraid of the pain, in reality, already suffer from fear. 

These Chinese Proverbs about love send in their words traces of miraculous wisdom.  The fact is that most of the things that happen to us are also dependent on ourselves. If we are afraid, if we are afraid to take the first step, if we are distant and hypocritical and do not listen to our own hearts, we will hardly ever find people who would satisfy us.

Those well-known Proverbs are just reminders. Happiness, loving and enjoying life are in our own hands.

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