4 Quotes About Living In An Instant From Eckhart Tolle

4 quotes on instant living from Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle is a famous German writer. His works are full of teachings on spirituality. Tolle currently lives in Canada and is one of North America’s best-known writers.

That work inspires us to change our lives and become more self-aware. He thinks this is a vital step for our humanity. That’s the teachings are really inspiring.

In this article, we want to share with you a few quotes from Eckhart Tolle. We are sure that you will find with them inspiration to live in an instant. Read through the quotes and save them for future reference, whenever you need them the most.

1. “Some changes may seem negative at first, but they make room for something new.”

Are you afraid of change or are you the type of person who embraces it well? Eckhart Tolle reminds us that everyone is constantly going through changes, even if often we might not accept or even notice them. Your ideas, your relationships, your friends… and you!

So many people are hanging on to what they already feel and are unable to see the options and opportunities that change might bring with it. It is true that some changes bring with them pain. But the grief you experience when you leave something behind means only spiritual fulfillment.

woman inside an unshelled egg

So, if you face a situation today that forces you to change, don’t see the situation as negative. Instead, experience it and enjoy it. All this new energy and perspective gives you the opportunity. Take and embrace all the good it has to offer you.

2. “Remember, this moment is all you have. Make the present the center of your life. ”

We spend so much time caring about our future that we forget what we already have. Tell me, how many hours a day do you spend thinking about the future? It can be a more or less secure future, or a completely undefined one.

We can spend three hours pondering what our lives will look like when we are old, or our next vacation trip. Eckhart Tolle by no means wants you to stop thinking about the future. But he invites you to focus on this moment as well.

After all, your present life is the future you once so fervently planned. So, the best thing we can do is look and experience it as it is. Spend time with your children, dedicate the afternoon to your partner, visit your parents and take a break to color for a moment. If you don’t enjoy your present, you won’t have much to tell your children or grandchildren.

3. “Accept everything. Everything this moment has to offer you, accept it just as if you had chosen it. Work for what you have, not against it. ”

Complaining is one of the most common hobbies today. We never have anything enough. If you don’t live in the place you want right now, you’re only focusing on the worse things in life. However, if you have a job whose salary is too low, you will complain non-stop.

Can’t you really do anything with what you already have? Is there really nothing good in your present? Eckhart Tolle reminds us of two options: accept and value your present or live in constant pain against it.

woman and bird

You have the right and ability to choose. You should simply remember that valuing and learning from your present is also possible. Instead of making a list of the crises in your life, try to be grateful for what life has already given you.

This way, you can see life in a much more pleasant and tolerable way. If you don’t like what you have, work on the things you want.

Don’t like your job? Well, at least be grateful that it allows you to pay your bills. Instead of complaining, you can start designing your own business that you’ve always wanted. You will find that soon your work will become more tolerable and your goals will be closer than ever.

4. “The cause of unhappiness is never the situation itself, but rather your thoughts about it.”

If you think there is nothing good in your present, you are living in a constant cycle of accident. Eckhart Tolle firmly believes that each of us can create our own tragedies and joys. You could have a perfect life, but that wouldn’t be enough either if you feel something is constantly missing.

You may think you have nothing. In reality, the only thing you don’t have is the ability to see the good around you. Every situation and moment is necessary. If you have a hard time believing this, try to be grateful. Look for things every day that you can truly say are grateful for. Not long before your present also becomes happier.

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