35 Questions That Will Make You Fall In Love

35 questions that will make you fall in love

According to one study, two strangers can fall in love with each other simply by answering 35 questions honestly and openly.

Above all, the  first encounter must be intimate and calm, and there is really only one condition involved: one must look each other directly in the eye after answering the question. That’s when love starts to flourish.

Did you wake up now?

An experiment related to falling in love

Twenty years ago, Arthur Aron  , a psychologist and professor at New York University,  conducted an experiment in which a man and woman who were completely unfamiliar with each other answered 35 questions. After the questions had been answered, they had to stare deep into each other’s eyes for four minutes without saying a word, in complete  silence.

looking into the eyes

Surprisingly but true, six months later, those who participated in this study had fallen in love with each other and said “will” .

Mandy Len Catron,  who works as a columnist for the New York Times , also  wanted to test Aron’s experiment himself. It also happened in the end that the participants he chose immediately fell in love with each other.

The secret hidden in these questions is that in order to answer them, one must open up to the other and at the same time reveal one’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities,  allowing the two people involved in the experiment to get closer to each other.

What 35 questions should you ask in order to fall in love with your opponent?

  • If you had to choose one person in the world, who would you like to invite with you to enjoy dinner?
  • Would you like to get recognition from other people? In which field or sub-sector?
  • Before you call someone else, do you have a habit of planning what you’re going to say to him? Why?
  • What would your perfect day consist of?
  • When did you first sing to yourself? When was the last time you sang something to someone else?
  • If you could  live  up to the age of 90 and have the opportunity to preserve for the rest of your life either the mind or body you had in your thirties, which one would you choose?
  • Do you think you know how to die?
  • Name three things that might connect you and your partner. 
  • What are you most grateful for in your life?
  • If you could change something about how you were raised, what would you change?
  • In just a few minutes, try to tell your partner your entire life story with all the possible details that you can fit into your story over time.
  • If you could wake up tomorrow with a new gift or skill, what would you like it to be?
  • If you had a crystal ball that would tell you the truth about yourself, your life, or your future, what would you like to know from it?
  • Is there something you’ve wanted to do for a long time? What has prevented you from doing that?
  • What has been the greatest achievement of your life  ?
  • What do you value most about your friends and the people you love?
  • What is your favorite memory? 
  • What is your most painful memory?
  • If you knew that you might die at any moment, would you change something in your life then? Why?
  • What does friendship mean to you?
  • What part of love and affection are in your life? 
  • Heart carved in wood

    List in order the five qualities that are most important to you in your partner.

  • How close a relationship do you have with your family? Did you think your own childhood was happy?
  • What do you think of your relationship with your own mother  ?
  • Say three kinds of factual statements that begin with the word “ we .”
  • Decide on the following sentence:  “I would like to share …… with someone.”
  • If you would like to be a close friend with your partner, what things should he or she know about you?
  • Tell your partner what things you like about him. Be very honest and also mention things you wouldn’t normally tell a stranger.
  • Tell your partner about a period in your life that wasn’t very pleasant.
  • When was the last time you cried and why? 
  • Tell your partner what you already like about him.
  • What could you never joke about?
  • If you were to die tonight without being able to talk to anyone, what would you regret not saying and to whom? Why haven’t you told that person yet? 
  • Whose death has affected you the most? Why? 
  • Share your personal problem with your partner and  ask him or her for advice  on how to resolve the matter. Then ask him what he thought of how sincere and honest you were when you told him.

Maybe it will happen or maybe not, but one thing is for sure: you and the person in front of you have become closer to each other, because through these questions you revealed to him a small piece of your own soul.

Would you dare try this?

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